
#include "tffs/flflash.h"
#include "tffs/backgrnd.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "config.h"
#define FLASH_BASE_ADRS (0x02000000)
#define FLASH_SIZE (0x00200000)
#define FLASH_BOOT_ADRS (0x02000000)
#define FLASH_BOOT_SIZE (0x00000000)
typedef struct
FlashWPTR unlockAddr1;
FlashWPTR unlockAddr2;
} Vars;
static Vars mtdVars[DRIVES];
#define thisVars ((Vars *) vol.mtdVars)
#define SETUP_ERASE 0x80
#define SETUP_WRITE 0xa0
#define READ_ID 0x90
#define SECTOR_ERASE 0x30
#define BLOCK_ERASE 0x50 /*块擦除*/
#define READ_ARRAY 0xf0 /*软件ID读模式退出*/
#define UNLOCK_1 0xaa /*解锁写入值*/
#define UNLOCK_2 0x55
#define UNLOCK_ADDR1 0x5555 /*解锁偏移地址[字]*/
#define UNLOCK_ADDR2 0x2aaa
/* JEDEC ids for this MTD */
#define AM29LV160D_DEID 0x2782 /*设备ID*/
#define DEBUG_PRINT printErr
static STATUS lv160OpOverDetect(void * ptr, int timeCounter);
Procedure: lv160MTDMap ID:1
Purpose: 映射Flash片内地址为CPU全局地址
Input: addr-相对地址
static void FAR0 * lv160MTDMap0(FLFlash *vol, CardAddress addr, int length)
UINT32 ret;
ret = FLASH_BASE_ADRS + addr;
return (void FAR0 *)ret;
static void FAR0 * lv160MTDMap1(FLFlash *vol, CardAddress addr, int length)
UINT32 ret;
ret = FLASH_BOOT_ADRS + addr;
return (void FAR0 *)ret;
Procedure: lv160OpOverDetect ID:1
Purpose: 探测write,erase操作是否结束,超时错误
static STATUS lv160OpOverDetect(void * ptr, int timeCounter)
FlashWPTR pFlash = ptr;
INT16 buf1,buf2;
buf1 = *pFlash & 0x40;
buf2 = *pFlash & 0x40;
if(buf1 == buf2)
buf1 = buf2;
if(timeCounter-- <= 0)
return ERROR;
return OK;
Procedure: lv160MTDWrite ID:1
Purpose: MTD写Flash函数
static FLStatus lv160MTDWrite(FLFlash vol, CardAddress address, const void FAR1 *buffer, int length, FLBoolean overwrite)
int cLength;
FlashWPTR flashPtr, flashTmp;
volatile UINT16 *gBuffer;
flashTmp = flashPtr = (FlashWPTR) vol.map(&vol, address, length);
printf("warning! the data length can not divided by 2.");
cLength = length/2;
gBuffer = (UINT16 *)buffer;
while (cLength >= 1)
*thisVars->unlockAddr1 = UNLOCK_1;
*thisVars->unlockAddr2 = UNLOCK_2;
*thisVars->unlockAddr1 = SETUP_WRITE;
*flashPtr = *gBuffer;
if(lv160OpOverDetect((void *)flashPtr, 0x1000000));
if(*flashPtr != *gBuffer)
*flashPtr = READ_ARRAY;
DEBUG_PRINT("Debug: lv160MTDWrite timeout.\n");
return flWriteFault;
if (tffscmp((void FAR0 *) flashTmp, buffer,length))
/* verify the data */
DEBUG_PRINT("Debug: lv160MTDWrite fail.\n");
return flWriteFault;
return flOK;
Procedure: lv160MTDWrite ID:1
Purpose: MTD擦除Flash函数
static FLStatus lv160MTDErase(FLFlash vol, int firstErasableBlock, int numOfErasableBlocks)
int iBlock; FlashWPTR flashPtr;
unsigned int offset;
if(numOfErasableBlocks <= 0) return ERROR;
for (iBlock = 0; iBlock < numOfErasableBlocks; iBlock++)
int i;
offset = (firstErasableBlock + iBlock) * vol.erasableBlockSize;
flashPtr = (FlashWPTR) vol.map(&vol, offset, vol.interleaving);
*thisVars->unlockAddr1 = UNLOCK_1;
*thisVars->unlockAddr2 = UNLOCK_2;
*thisVars->unlockAddr1 = SETUP_ERASE;
*thisVars->unlockAddr1 = UNLOCK_1;
*thisVars->unlockAddr2 = UNLOCK_2;
*flashPtr = SECTOR_ERASE;
lv160OpOverDetect((void *)flashPtr, 0x2000000);
for(i=0; i<vol.erasableBlockSize/2; i++,flashPtr++)
if(*flashPtr != 0xffff) break;
*flashPtr = READ_ARRAY;
if(i < vol.erasableBlockSize/2)
DEBUG_PRINT("Debug: lv160MTDErase fail.\n");
return flWriteFault;
printf("\Erase ok\n");
return flOK;
Procedure: fllv160Identify ID:1
Purpose: MTD读Flash标识
static FLStatus fllv160Identify(FLFlash vol, UINT32 offset)
FlashWPTR flashPtr;
flashPtr = (FlashWPTR) vol.map(&vol, 0, vol.interleaving);
printf("\nenter the fllv160Identify\n");
*thisVars->unlockAddr1 = UNLOCK_1;
*thisVars->unlockAddr2 = UNLOCK_2;
*thisVars->unlockAddr1 = READ_ID;
printf("\nthisVars->unlockAddr1 %x,*thisVars->unlockAddr2 %x\n", thisVars->unlockAddr1, thisVars->unlockAddr2);
/* 0X01 read device Id, 0X00 manufacture Id.*/
flashPtr = (FlashWPTR) vol.map(&vol, offset, vol.interleaving);
printf("\nthe flashPtr is %x\n",flashPtr);
vol.type = *flashPtr;
flashPtr = (FlashWPTR)vol.map(&vol, 0, vol.interleaving) ;
*flashPtr = READ_ARRAY; /*回到读状态*/
return flOK;
Procedure: lv160MTDIdentify ID:1
Purpose: MTD读Flash标识[extern]
FLStatus lv160MTDIdentify(FLFlash vol)
FlashWPTR baseFlashPtr;
vol.interleaving = 1;
flSetWindowBusWidth(vol.socket,16);/* use 16-bits */
flSetWindowSpeed(vol.socket,120); /* 120 nsec. */
if (vol.socket->serialNo == 0){
flSetWindowSize(vol.socket, FLASH_SIZE>>12);
vol.chipSize = FLASH_SIZE;
vol.map = lv160MTDMap0;
else if(vol.socket->serialNo == 1){
flSetWindowSize(vol.socket, FLASH_BOOT_SIZE>>12);
vol.chipSize = FLASH_BOOT_SIZE;
vol.map = lv160MTDMap1;
vol.mtdVars = &mtdVars[flSocketNoOf(vol.socket)];
baseFlashPtr = (FlashWPTR)vol.map (&vol, (CardAddress)0, vol.interleaving);
printf("\nthe baseFlashPtr is %x\n",baseFlashPtr);
/*UNLOCK_ADDR为字地址, 赋值转换x2*/
thisVars->unlockAddr1 = (FlashWPTR)((long)baseFlashPtr) + UNLOCK_ADDR1;
thisVars->unlockAddr2 = (FlashWPTR)((long)baseFlashPtr) + UNLOCK_ADDR2;
fllv160Identify(&vol, 2); /*get flash device ID.*/
printf("\nthe thisVars->unlockAddr1 is %x, thisVars->unlockAddr2 is %x\n",thisVars->unlockAddr1,thisVars->unlockAddr2);
printf("\nthe type is %x\n",vol.type);
if (vol.type != AM29LV160D_DEID)
DEBUG_PRINT("Debug: can not identify SST39VF160 media.\n");
return flUnknownMedia;
vol.noOfChips =0x1; /*one chip.*/
vol.erasableBlockSize = 0x10000; /* 64k bytes.*/
vol.flags |= SUSPEND_FOR_WRITE;
/* Register our flash handlers */
vol.write = lv160MTDWrite;
vol.erase = lv160MTDErase;
printf("\nidentify ok\n");
return flOK;

/* sysTffs.c - Motorola MVME177 system-dependent TrueFFS library */
/* Copyright 1984-1997 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
#include "copyright_wrs.h"
/* FAT-FTL Lite Software Development Kit
* Copyright (C) M-Systems Ltd. 1995-1996 */
modification history
01j,31may99,yp Added comments suggested in SPR #25319
01i,21apr98,yp added tffs to files included from there
01h,11mar98,yp made including tffsConfig.c conditional so man page
generation does not include it.
01g,09mar99,kbw made man page edits to fix problems found by QE
01f,02jan98,yp doc cleanup
01e,18dec97,hdn added comment. cleaned up.
01d,05dec97,hdn added tffsSocket[]. cleaned up.
01c,11nov97,hdn fixed typo.
01b,05nov97,hdn cleaned up.
01a,09oct97,and written by Andray in M-Systems
This library provides board-specific hardware access routines for TrueFFS.
In effect, these routines comprise the socket component driver (or drivers)
for your flash device hardware. At socket registration time, TrueFFS stores
pointers to the functions of this socket component driver in an 'FLSocket'
structure. When TrueFFS needs to access the flash device, it uses these
Because this file is, for the most part, a device driver that exports its
functionality by registering function pointers with TrueFFS, very few of the
functions defined here are externally callable. For the record, these
external functions are flFitInSocketWindow() and flDelayLoop(). You should
never have any need to call these functions.
However, one of the most import functions defined in this file is neither
referenced in an 'FLSocket' structure, nor is it externally callable. This
function is sysTffsInit(). TrueFFS calls this function at initialization
time to register socket component drivers for all the flash devices attached
to your target. It is this call to sysTffs() that results in assigning
drive numbers to the flash devices on your target hardware. Drive numbers
are assigned by the order in which the socket component drivers are registered.
The first to be registered is drive 0, the second is drive 1, and so on up to
4. As shipped, TrueFFS supports up to five flash drives.
After registering socket component drivers for a flash device, you may
format the flash medium even though there is not yet a block device driver
associated with the flash (see the reference entry for the tffsDevCreate()
routine). To format the flash medium for use with TrueFFS,
call tffsDevFormat() or, for some BSPs, sysTffsFormat().
The sysTffsFormat() routine is an optional but BSP-specific externally
callable helper function. Internally, it calls tffsDevFormat() with a
pointer to a 'FormatParams' structure initialized to values that leave a
space on the flash device for a boot image. This space is outside the
region managed by TrueFFS. This special region is necessary for boot
images because the normal translation and wear-leveling services of TrueFFS
are incompatible with the needs of the boot program and the boot image it
relies upon. To write a boot image (or any other data) into this area,
use tffsBootImagePut().
Finally, this file also contains define statements for symbolic constants
that determine which MTDs, translation layer modules, and other utilities
are ultimately included in TrueFFS. These defines are as follows:
To include the NAND-based translation layer module.
To include the NOR-based translation layer module.
To include the SSFDC-appropriate translation layer module.
For Intel 28f016 flash devices.
For Intel 28f008 flash devices.
For Intel 28f008 flash devices on the Heurikon Baja 4700.
For AMD, Fujitsu: 29F0{40,80,16} 8-bit flash devices.
For Toshiba, Samsung: NAND CDSN flash devices.
For Toshiba, Samsung: NAND DOC flash devices.
For CFI/SCS flash devices.
For AMD, Fujitsu 29F0{40,80,16} 16-bit flash devices.
To include tffsBootImagePut() in TrueFFS for Tornado.
To exclude any of the modules mentioned above, edit sysTffs.c and undefine
its associated symbolic constant.
INCLUDE FILES: flsocket.h, tffsDrv.h
SEE ALSO : tffsDrv tffsConfig
#include "vxWorks.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "tffs/flsocket.h"
#include "tffs/tffsDrv.h"
/* defines */
#define INCLUDE_MTD_LV160
#undef INCLUDE_MTD_I28F016 /* Intel: 28f016 */
#undef INCLUDE_MTD_I28F008 /* Intel: 28f008 */
#undef INCLUDE_MTD_AMD /* AMD, Fujitsu: 29f0{40,80,16} 8bit */
#undef INCLUDE_MTD_CDSN /* Toshiba, Samsung: NAND, CDSN */
#undef INCLUDE_MTD_DOC2 /* Toshiba, Samsung: NAND, DOC */
#undef INCLUDE_MTD_WAMD /* AMD, Fujitsu: 29f0{40,80,16} 16bit */
#undef INCLUDE_TL_NFTL /* NFTL translation layer */
#define INCLUDE_TL_FTL /* FTL translation layer */
#undef INCLUDE_TL_SSFDC /* SSFDC translation layer */
#undef INCLUDE_TFFS_BOOT_IMAGE /* include tffsBootImagePut() */
#define FLASH_BASE_ADRS (0x02000000)
#define FLASH_SIZE (0x00200000)
#define FLASH_BOOT_ADRS (0x02000000)
#define FLASH_BOOT_SIZE (0x00000000)
/* locals */
/* forward declarations */
LOCAL void rfaWriteProtect (void);
LOCAL void rfaWriteEnable (void);
LOCAL FLBoolean rfaCardDetected (FLSocket vol);
LOCAL void rfaVccOn (FLSocket vol);
LOCAL void rfaVccOff (FLSocket vol);
#ifdef SOCKET_12_VOLTS
LOCAL FLStatus rfaVppOn (FLSocket vol);
LOCAL void rfaVppOff (FLSocket vol);
#endif /* SOCKET_12_VOLTS */
LOCAL FLBoolean rfaGetAndClearCardChangeIndicator (FLSocket vol);
LOCAL FLBoolean rfaWriteProtected (FLSocket vol);
LOCAL void rfaSetWindow (FLSocket vol);
LOCAL void rfaSetMappingContext (FLSocket vol, unsigned page);
LOCAL FLStatus rfaSocketInit (FLSocket vol);
LOCAL FLStatus rfaRegister (void);
#ifndef DOC
/*#include "tffs/tffsConfig.c"*/
#include "tffsConfig.c"
#endif /* DOC */
* sysTffsInit - board-level initialization for TrueFFS
* This routine calls the socket registration routines for the socket component
* drivers that will be used with this BSP. The order of registration determines
* the logical drive number given to the drive associated with the socket.
LOCAL void sysTffsInit (void)
rfaRegister ();
rfaRegister ();
* rfaRegister - registration routine for the RFA on MVME177
* This routine populates the 'vol' structure for a logical drive with the
* socket component driver routines for the RFA on the MVME177 board. All
* socket routines are referanced through the 'vol' structure and never
* from here directly
* RETURNS: flOK, or flTooManyComponents if there're too many drives
LOCAL FLStatus rfaRegister (void)
FLSocket vol = flSocketOf (noOfDrives);
if (noOfDrives >= DRIVES)
return (flTooManyComponents);
tffsSocket[noOfDrives] = "RFA";
vol.serialNo = noOfDrives;
if (noOfDrives == 0)
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_BASE_ADRS >> 12;
else if(noOfDrives == 1)
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_BOOT_ADRS >> 12;
/* fill in function pointers */
vol.cardDetected = rfaCardDetected;
vol.VccOn = rfaVccOn;
vol.VccOff = rfaVccOff;
#ifdef SOCKET_12_VOLTS
vol.VppOn = rfaVppOn;
vol.VppOff = rfaVppOff;
vol.initSocket = rfaSocketInit;
vol.setWindow = rfaSetWindow;
vol.setMappingContext = rfaSetMappingContext;
vol.getAndClearCardChangeIndicator =
vol.writeProtected = rfaWriteProtected;
return (flOK);
* rfaCardDetected - detect if a card is present (inserted)
* This routine detects if a card is present (inserted).
* RETURNS: TRUE, or FALSE if the card is not present.
LOCAL FLBoolean rfaCardDetected
FLSocket vol
return (TRUE);
* rfaVccOn - turn on Vcc (3.3/5 Volts)
* This routine turns on Vcc (3.3/5 Volts). Vcc must be known to be good
* on exit.
LOCAL void rfaVccOn
FLSocket vol
rfaWriteEnable ();
* rfaVccOff - turn off Vcc (3.3/5 Volts)
* This routine turns off Vcc (3.3/5 Volts).
LOCAL void rfaVccOff
FLSocket vol
rfaWriteProtect ();
#ifdef SOCKET_12_VOLTS
* rfaVppOn - turns on Vpp (12 Volts)
* This routine turns on Vpp (12 Volts). Vpp must be known to be good on exit.
* RETURNS: flOK always
LOCAL FLStatus rfaVppOn
FLSocket vol /* pointer identifying drive */
return (flOK);
* rfaVppOff - turns off Vpp (12 Volts)
* This routine turns off Vpp (12 Volts).
LOCAL void rfaVppOff
FLSocket vol /* pointer identifying drive */
#endif /* SOCKET_12_VOLTS */
* rfaSocketInit - perform all necessary initializations of the socket
* This routine performs all necessary initializations of the socket.
* RETURNS: flOK always
LOCAL FLStatus rfaSocketInit
FLSocket vol /* pointer identifying drive */
rfaWriteEnable ();
vol.cardChanged = FALSE;
/* enable memory window and map it at address 0 */
rfaSetWindow (&vol);
return (flOK);
* rfaSetWindow - set current window attributes, Base address, size, etc
* This routine sets current window hardware attributes: Base address, size,
* speed and bus width. The requested settings are given in the 'vol.window'
* structure. If it is not possible to set the window size requested in
* 'vol.window.size', the window size should be set to a larger value,
* if possible. In any case, 'vol.window.size' should contain the
* actual window size (in 4 KB units) on exit.
LOCAL void rfaSetWindow
FLSocket vol /* pointer identifying drive */
/* Physical base as a 4K page */
if (vol.serialNo == 0){
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_BASE_ADRS >> 12;
flSetWindowSize (&vol, FLASH_SIZE >> 12);
else if(vol.serialNo == 1){
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_BOOT_ADRS >> 12;
flSetWindowSize (&vol, FLASH_BOOT_SIZE >> 12);
* rfaSetMappingContext - sets the window mapping register to a card address
* This routine sets the window mapping register to a card address.
* The window should be set to the value of 'vol.window.currentPage',
* which is the card address divided by 4 KB. An address over 128MB,
* (page over 32K) specifies an attribute-space address. On entry to this
* routine vol.window.currentPage is the page already mapped into the window.
* (In otherwords the page that was mapped by the last call to this routine.)
* The page to map is guaranteed to be on a full window-size boundary.
LOCAL void rfaSetMappingContext
FLSocket vol, /* pointer identifying drive */
unsigned page /* page to be mapped */
* rfaGetAndClearCardChangeIndicator - return the hardware card-change indicator
* This routine returns the hardware card-change indicator and clears it if set.
* RETURNS: FALSE, or TRUE if the card has been changed
LOCAL FLBoolean rfaGetAndClearCardChangeIndicator
FLSocket vol /* pointer identifying drive */
return (FALSE);
* rfaWriteProtected - return the write-protect state of the media
* This routine returns the write-protect state of the media
* RETURNS: FALSE, or TRUE if the card is write-protected
LOCAL FLBoolean rfaWriteProtected
FLSocket vol /* pointer identifying drive */
return (FALSE);
* rfaWriteProtect - disable write access to the RFA
* This routine disables write access to the RFA.
LOCAL void rfaWriteProtect (void)
/* clear GPOEN1 bit (#17), make sure GPIO1 bit (#13) is clear */
* rfaWriteEnable - enable write access to the RFA
* This routine enables write access to the RFA.
LOCAL void rfaWriteEnable (void)
/* set GPOEN1 bit (#17), make sure GPIO1 bit (#13) is clear */
* flFitInSocketWindow - check whether the flash array fits in the socket window
* This routine checks whether the flash array fits in the socket window.
* RETURNS: A chip size guaranteed to fit in the socket window.
long int flFitInSocketWindow
long int chipSize, /* size of single physical chip in bytes */
int interleaving, /* flash chip interleaving (1,2,4 etc) */
long int windowSize /* socket window size in bytes */
if (chipSize*interleaving > windowSize) /* doesn't fit in socket window */
int roundedSizeBits;
/* fit chip in the socket window */
chipSize = windowSize / interleaving;
/* round chip size at powers of 2 */
for (roundedSizeBits = 0; (0x1L << roundedSizeBits) <= chipSize;
chipSize = (0x1L << (roundedSizeBits - 1));
return (chipSize);
* sysTffsCpy - copy memory from one location to another
* This routine copies <size> characters from the object pointed
* to by <source> into the object pointed to by <destination>. If copying
* takes place between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined.
* INCLUDE FILES: string.h
* RETURNS: A pointer to <destination>.
void * sysTffsCpy
void * destination, /* destination of copy */
const void * source, /* source of copy */
size_t size /* size of memory to copy */
bcopy ((char *) source, (char *) destination, (size_t) size);
return (destination);
* sysTffsSet - set a block of memory
* This routine stores <c> converted to an `unsigned char' in each of the
* elements of the array of `unsigned char' beginning at <m>, with size <size>.
* INCLUDE FILES: string.h
* RETURNS: A pointer to <m>.
void * sysTffsSet
void * m, /* block of memory */
int c, /* character to store */
size_t size /* size of memory */
bfill ((char *) m, (int) size, c);
return (m);
#endif /* FALSE */
* flDelayLoop - consume the specified time
* This routine consumes the specified time.
void flDelayLoop
int cycles /* loop count to be consumed */
while (--cycles)

/* tffsConfig.c - TrueFFS configuration file for VxWorks */
/* Copyright 1984-1997 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
#include "copyright_wrs.h"
/* FAT-FTL Lite Software Development Kit
* Copyright (C) M-Systems Ltd. 1995-1997 */
modification history
01p,30dec99,jmw Add cfiscsVr4121Identify for NEC vr4121
01o,04feb99,yp added MACRO INCLUDE_TFFS_SHOW for better scalability.
01m,21apr98,yp added tffs subdir to include path
01n,28feb98,kbw made man page edits to fix problems found by QE
01m,28feb98,kbw made man page edits
01l,19jan98,hdn added new function tffsShowAll().
01k,08jan98,hdn added new MTD for Heurikon Baja4700.
01j,06jan98,hdn cleaned up tffsShow() and tffsBootImagePut().
01i,18dec97,yp added documentation on sharing bootrom with TFFS
01h,15dec97,yp doc cleanup
01g,11dec97,hdn added tffsRawio()'s return value check in tffsShow().
01f,08dec97,hdn renamed mkbootTffs() to tffsCopy().
01e,05dec97,hdn changed tffsSocket[] to LOCAL variable.
01d,05dec97,hdn added tffsShow() and mkbootTffs().
01c,11nov97,hdn fixed documentation of flRegisterComponents().
01b,07nov97,hdn cleaned up.
01a,07jul97,ami written by Amirban at M-Systems
This source file, with the help of sysTffs.c, configures TrueFFS for VxWorks.
The functions defined here are generic to all BSPs. To include these functions
in the BSP-specific module, the BSP's sysTffs.c file includes this file.
Within the sysTffs.c file, define statements determine which functions from
the tffsConfig.c file are ultimately included in TrueFFS.
The only externally callable routines defined in this file
are tffsShow(), tffsShowAll(), and tffsBootImagePut(). You can
exclude the show utilities if you edit config.h and
undefine INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES. You can exclude tffsBootImagePut() if you
edit sysTffs.c and undefine INCLUDE_TFFS_BOOT_IMAGE. (If you find these
utilities are missing and you want them included, edit config.h and
If you wish to include only the TrueFFS specific show routines you could
define INCLUDE_TFFS_SHOW instead of INCLUDE_SHOW_ROUTINES in config.h.
However, for the most part, these externally callable routines are only
a small part of the TrueFFS configuration needs handled by this file.
The routines internal to this file make calls into the MTDs and translation
layer modules of TrueFFS. At link time, resolving the symbols associated
with these calls pulls MTD and translation layer modules into VxWorks.
However, each of these calls to the MTDs and the translation layer modules
is only conditionally included. The constants that control the includes
are defined in sysTffs.c. To exclude an MTD or translation layer module,
you edit sysTffs.c, undefine the appropriate constant, and rebuild sysTffs.o.
These constants are described in the reference entry for 'sysTffs'.
INCLUDE FILES: stdcomp.h
/* includes */
#include "tffs/stdcomp.h"
#include "tffs/tffsDrv.h"
#include "tffs/fatlite.h"
#include "stdio.h"
/* defines */
/* externs */
FLStatus lv160MTDIdentify(FLFlash vol);
/* globals */
MTDidentifyRoutine mtdTable[] = /* MTD tables */
#ifdef INCLUDE_MTD_LV160
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_VR4121_CFISCS */
#ifdef INCLUDE_MTD_I28F016
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_I28F016 */
#ifdef INCLUDE_MTD_I28F008
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_I28F008 */
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_I28F008_BAJA */
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_AMD */
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_CDSN */
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_DOC2 */
#endif /* INCLUDE_MTD_WAMD */
int noOfMTDs = NELEMENTS (mtdTable); /* number of MTDs */
TLentry tlTable[] = /* TL tables */
{mountNFTL, formatNFTL},
#endif /* FORMAT_VOLUME */
#endif /* INCLUDE_TL_NFTL */
{mountFTL, formatFTL},
#endif /* FORMAT_VOLUME */
#endif /* INCLUDE_TL_FTL */
{mountSSFDC, formatSSFDC},
#endif /* FORMAT_VOLUME */
#endif /* INCLUDE_TL_SSFDC */
int noOfTLs = NELEMENTS (tlTable); /* number of TLs */
/* locals */
LOCAL char * tffsSocket[DRIVES] = {NULL}; /* name of the socket interface */
LOCAL char * tffsVersion = "2.0"; /* Msystem's version number of TFFS */
/* forward declarations */
LOCAL VOID sysTffsInit (void); /* BSP dependent init routine */
* flRegisterComponents - register MTD and translation layer components for use
* This routine registers MTD and translation layer components for use.
* This function is called by FLite once only, at initialization of the
* FLite system.
void flRegisterComponents (void)
sysTffsInit ();
* tffsShowAll - show device information on all socket interfaces
* This routine prints device information on all socket interfaces.
void tffsShowAll (void)
int ix;
printf ("TFFS Version %s\n", tffsVersion);
for (ix = 0; ix < noOfDrives; ix++)
tffsShow (ix);
* tffsShow - show device information on a specific socket interface
* This routine prints device information on the specified socket interface.
* This information is particularly useful when trying to determine the
* number of Erase Units required to contain a boot image. The field called
* unitSize reports the size of an Erase Unit.
* If the process of getting physical information fails, an error code is
* printed. The error codes can be found in flbase.h.
void tffsShow
int driveNo /* TFFS drive number */
PhysicalInfo info;
FLStatus status;
if (tffsSocket[driveNo] == NULL)
printf ("%d: ---- no socket interface installed ----\n", driveNo);
status = tffsRawio (driveNo, TFFS_GET_PHYSICAL_INFO, (int)&info, 0, 0);
if (status != OK)
printf ("%d: **** communication failed with error %d ****\n",
driveNo, status);
printf ("%d: socket=%s: ", driveNo, tffsSocket[driveNo]);
printf ("type=0x%x, unitSize=0x%x, mediaSize=0x%x\n", info.type,
(UINT)info.unitSize, (UINT)info.mediaSize);
#endif /* INCLUDE_TFFS_SHOW */
* tffsBootImagePut - write to the boot-image region of the flash device
* This routine writes an input stream to the boot-image region (if any) of
* a flash memory device. Typically, the input stream contains a boot image,
* such as the VxWorks boot image, but you are free to use this function to
* write any data needed. The size of the boot-image region is set by
* the tffsDevFormat() call (or the sysTffsFormat() call, a BSP-specific helper
* function that calls tffsDevFormat() internally) that formats the flash
* device for use with TrueFFS.
* If tffsBootImagePut() is used to put a VxWorks boot image in flash, you
* should not use the s-record version of the boot image typically produced
* by make. Instead, you should take the pre s-record version (usually
* called 'bootrom' instead of 'bootrom.hex'), and filter out its loader
* header information using an <xxx>'ToBin' utility. For example:
* .CS
* elfToBin < bootrom > bootrom.bin
* .CE
* Use the resulting 'bootrom.bin' as input to tffsBootImagePut().
* The discussion above assumes that you want only to use the flash device to
* store a VxWorks image that is retrieved from the flash device and then run
* out of RAM. However, because it is possible to map many flash devices
* directly into the target's memory, it is also possible run the VxWorks
* image from flash memory, although there are some restrictions:
* .IP "-"
* The flash device must be non-NAND.
* .IP "-"
* Only the text segment of the VxWorks image ('vxWorks.res_rom') may run out
* of flash memory. The data segment of the image must reside in standard RAM.
* .IP "-"
* No part of the flash device may be erased while the VxWorks image is running
* from flash memory.
* .LP
* Because TrueFFS garbage collection triggers an erase, this last restriction
* means that you cannot run a VxWorks boot image out of a flash device that
* must also support a writable file system (although a read-only file system
* is OK).
* This last restriction arises from the way in which flash devices are
* constructed. The current physical construction of flash memory devices does
* not allow access to the device while an erase is in
* progress anywhere on the flash device. As a result, if TrueFFS tries to
* erase a portion of the flash device, the entire device becomes inaccessible
* to all other users. If that other user happens to be the VxWorks image
* looking for its next instruction, the VxWorks image crashes.
STATUS tffsBootImagePut
int driveNo, /* TFFS drive number */
int offset, /* offset in the flash chip/card */
char * filename /* binary format of the bootimage */
PhysicalInfo info;
UINT unitNo;
UINT unitSize;
UINT addr;
char * pBuf;
int fd;
int ix;
if (tffsSocket[driveNo] == NULL)
return (ERROR);
if (tffsRawio (driveNo, TFFS_GET_PHYSICAL_INFO, (int)&info, 0, 0) != OK)
printErr ("Unable to get physical info from drive\n");
return (ERROR);
pBuf = (char *)malloc (info.unitSize);
if ((fd = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0644)) == ERROR)
printErr ("Can't open \"%s\"\n", filename);
return (ERROR);
addr = offset;
unitNo = offset / info.unitSize;
unitSize = info.unitSize - (offset % info.unitSize);
/* If the offset is not Erase Unit aligned we need to save the the
* contents of the region begining at the start of this erase unit
* and ending at the specified address so we can restore it after
* we erase the Erase Unit
if (tffsRawio (driveNo, TFFS_PHYSICAL_READ, unitNo * info.unitSize,
offset % info.unitSize, (int)pBuf) != OK)
printErr ("Failed attempting to save Erase Unit %d\n", unitNo);
close (fd);
return (ERROR);
if (tffsRawio (driveNo, TFFS_PHYSICAL_ERASE, unitNo, 1, 0) != OK)
printErr ("Failed attempting to erase Erase Unit %d\n", unitNo);
close (fd);
return (ERROR);
if (tffsRawio (driveNo, TFFS_PHYSICAL_WRITE, unitNo * info.unitSize,
offset % info.unitSize, (int)pBuf) != OK)
printErr ("Failed attempting to restore Erase Unit %d\n", unitNo);
close (fd);
return (ERROR);
while (unitSize)
if ((ix = read (fd, pBuf, unitSize)) == ERROR)
printErr ("Error reading inputfile: 0x%x\n", errno);
return (ERROR);
if (ix == 0)
if ((addr + ix) > info.mediaSize)
printErr ("Error : Attempting to write beyond Flash boundary\n");
close (fd);
return (ERROR);
if (tffsRawio (driveNo, TFFS_PHYSICAL_WRITE, addr, ix, (int)pBuf) != OK)
printErr ("Physical write failed at address 0x%x\n", addr);
close (fd);
return (ERROR);
addr += ix;
unitSize -= ix;
if (unitSize == 0)
unitSize = info.unitSize;
if (tffsRawio (driveNo, TFFS_PHYSICAL_ERASE, unitNo, 1, 0) != OK)
printErr ("Failed attempting to erase Erase Unit %d\n", unitNo);
close (fd);
return (ERROR);
close (fd);
return (OK);

我昨天把自己那个amdmtd.c文件里的identify() ,write() ,erase()函数根据flash芯片好好改了一下,在运行tffsshow函数时通过了,但在tffsdevformat函数时失败了。我在擦写函数里输出打印信息,显示每个sector都擦写通过了,,可是为什么tffsdevformat最后还是返回-1,失败了呢????

电子产品世界-嵌入式系统设计-[原创]在同一片nor flash上创建两个磁盘,能够实现非...
[原创]在同一片nor flash上创建两个磁盘,能够实现非2的n次幂大小的文件系统
持,说理论上可以。于是就在坛子里搜相关的文章,参考了amine的[原创]将boot flash的空闲部分作为文
1. sysTffs.c文件的修改。
#define FLASH_IMAGE_ADRS 0x62000000 /* 关键:为此FLASH真实基地址 */
#define FLASH_IMAGE_SIZE 0x00100000 /* 关键:为C盘大小 */
#define FLASH_BASE_ADRS 0x62100000 /* 关键:为D盘偏移地址 */
#define FLASH_SIZE 0x01000000 /* 关键:为此FLASH真实大小 */
LOCAL void sysTffsInit (void)
**Register ();
**Register (); /* 注册第二个设备 */
(3) **Register (void)中
tffsSocket[noOfDrives] = "RFA";
if (noOfDrives == 0)
vol.serialNo = 0;
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_BASE_ADRS >> 12;
(第 1/4 页)2006-6-3 9:16:08
电子产品世界-嵌入式系统设计-[原创]在同一片nor flash上创建两个磁盘,能够实现非...
else if (noOfDrives == 1)
vol.serialNo = 1;
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_IMAGE_ADRS >> 12;
static void **SetWindow
FLSocket vol /* pointer identifying drive */
/* Physical base as a 4K page */
if (vol.serialNo == 0)
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_BASE_ADRS >> 12;
flSetWindowSize (&vol, FLASH_SIZE >> 12);
else if(vol.serialNo == 1)
vol.window.baseAddress = FLASH_IMAGE_ADRS >> 12;
flSetWindowSize (&vol, FLASH_IMAGE_SIZE >> 12);
STATUS sysTffsFormatD (void) /* D盘格式化函数*/
STATUS status;
tffsDevFormatParams params =
#undef HALF_FORMAT /* lower 1M for bootimage, upper for TFFS */
{0x00100000l, 99, 1, 0x10000l, NULL, {0,0,0,0}, NULL, 2, 0, NULL}, /* 关键:空出前1M空间 */
(第 2/4 页)2006-6-3 9:16:08
电子产品世界-嵌入式系统设计-[原创]在同一片nor flash上创建两个磁盘,能够实现非...
{0x00000000l, 99, 1, 0x10000l, NULL, {0,0,0,0}, NULL, 2, 0, NULL},
#endif /* HALF_FORMAT */
status = tffsDevFormat (0, (int)¶ms); /* 设备0 */
return (status);
STATUS sysTffsFormatC (void) /* C盘格式化函数*/
STATUS status;
tffsDevFormatParams params =
#undef HALF_FORMAT /* lower 512KB for bootimage, upper for TFFS */
{0x00080000l, 99, 1, 0x10000l, NULL, {0,0,0,0}, NULL, 2, 0, NULL},
{0x00000000l, 99, 1, 0x10000l, NULL, {0,0,0,0}, NULL, 2, 0, NULL},
#endif /* HALF_FORMAT */
status = tffsDevFormat (1, (int)¶ms); /* 设备1 */
return (status);
2. mtd文件的修改。
if (vol.socket->serialNo == 0) /* 设备0 */
vol.chipSize = 0xF00000l; /* D盘大小 */
else if (vol.socket->serialNo == 1) /* 设备1 */
vol.chipSize = 0x100000l; /* C盘大小 */
sysTffsFormatSystem ();
(第 3/4 页)2006-6-3 9:16:08
电子产品世界-嵌入式系统设计-[原创]在同一片nor flash上创建两个磁盘,能够实现非...
2.将vol.chipSize值设置成与FLASH_SIZE值(0x1000000)一样,格式化D盘时会写到FLASH_BASE_ADRS +
FLASH_SIZE (即0x63000000~0x630FFFFF地址),超出了FLASH地址空间(0x62000000~
3.将vol.chipSize设成真实值,即0xF00000, FLASH_SIZE设成芯片大小值,即0x1000000,成功且稳定!
(第 4/4 页)2006-6-3 9:16:08

我用copy “vxworks”,“/tffs0”
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