(作者:吴军 中国深圳)QQ:182515905
动物对地壳运动的嗅觉比人要灵敏得多,在地震来临之前,很多动物都有各试各样的表现。比如,鸡,狗的骚动不安,青蛙的迁徙等等…… 这是人所不能比的。究其根本原因,可以用达尔文的自然选择学说来解释。
The thinking cap from earthquake
-The difference between people and animal
Earthquake,is a simple physical movement. It have differ behaving between people and animal when earthquake happening.
The ability for smell of animal is better than people.Before the earthquake happening,many animal have differ behaving. For example,dog and chooke are tumult,frog are migrated etc.The root cause of these can explain by the Lysenkoism of natural selection of Darwin.
The people and animal in barbarism,their have the same ability for smell the movement of the earth.But ,people is the high-grade animal, living disengage the earth.The ability of smell the mobement of the earth was retrogression.But the animal always living in the earth ,once there is sound of earth astir, their can apperceive it .
This is why animal can apperceive the earthquake,but people can’t.
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地震带给我们的思考(-动物与人的区别) 自然科学
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关键词: 地震 带给 我们 思考 动物 人的 区别 自然科学
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