processing "E:\renesas\dds311-485and IRD\DDS311\DDS311\Debug\mcu_init.r30"
processing "E:\renesas\dds311-485and IRD\DDS311\DDS311\Debug\resetprg.r30"
processing "E:\renesas\dds311-485and IRD\DDS311\DDS311\Debug\server.r30"
Warning (ln30): Software license problem:
Duration of Trial License of UNKNOWN is exhausted. (37)
Code limited to 64K (10000H) Byte(s)
DATA 0000450(001C2H) Byte(s)
ROMDATA 0000341(00155H) Byte(s)
CODE 0006012(0177CH) Byte(s)
The value of option function select register is FFH
E:\renesas\dds311-485and IRD\DDS311\DDS311\Debug\ is modified
E:\renesas\dds311-485and IRD\DDS311\DDS311\Debug\DDS311.sni is created
Phase M16C Linker finished
这个Warning 是什么原因造成的,对程序有什么影响吗?
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请大声喊出:我要开发板! | |
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打赏了!打赏了!打赏了! |