
公司名称:天誉创高 部门:FPGA 职位:FPGA工程师 项目名称:数学图像处理(缩放与后续处理) 预计年用量:200~500

你好,能帮忙看一下吗 谢谢
4401 S. Beltwood Parkway. Dallas, TX 75244
We acknowledge the export/re-export of commodities, technical data, and/or software (“Controlled Items”) that we have
purchased, or will purchase, from Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (“Maxim”), are subject to the U.S. export control laws
and regulations, including the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce
(“DoC”), and the Embargo and Sanction Regulations administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign
Assets Controls (“OFAC”), among other rules and regulations. We agree and undertake to comply with all applicable U.S.
export control laws and regulations. In particular:
1. We certify that we will not directly or indirectly export, re-export, transmit, or cause to be exported, re-exported or
transmitted, any Controlled Items to any country, individual, corporation, organization, or entity to which such export,
re-export, or transmission is restricted or prohibited.
2. We certify that we will use the Controlled Items for civil end-uses only.
Ultimate End Use Application: _________________________________________________________
3. We certify that we will not use Controlled Items in relation to military end uses as defined in the EAR for nuclear,
biological or chemical weapons, or the missile systems that deliver them; for the design, development, production,
testing, stockpiling or use of any weapons of mass destruction; or for any other use that the U.S. government prohibits.
4. We acknowledge that it is our responsibility to obtain any required license to export/re-export or to transmit
information regarding any Controlled Items as may be required under any export control laws or regulations. We will
not export, re-export, or transmit any Controlled Items except in accordance with the provisions of the EAR; such
provision prohibit export or reexport to an embargoed country, transfer to persons or entities ineligible to receive U.S.
products, or used in a military or proliferation related activity without prior authorization of Bureau of Industry and
Security (BIS), and/or terms of a license issued by an applicable U.S. government authority.
This Certification shall survive the term and termination of the relationship between Maxim the Purchaser and Consignee.
STATEMENT OF ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE AND PURCHASER We certify by signature that all of the facts contained in this statement are true and
correct to the best of our knowledge and will apply to the disposition of products purchased from Maxim. We shall promptly notify the U.S. Exporter, to disclose
any change of facts or intentions set forth in this statement which occurs after the statement has been prepared and forwarded.
We acknowledge that the making of any false statements or concealment of any material fact in connection with this statement may result in denial, in whole or
in part of participation in U.S. exports and re-exports.
Company Name: ___________________________
Address: __________________________________
Signature of Authorized Company Representative
Print (or type) Name:___________________________
Title: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________
Company Name: _____________________________
Signature of Authorized Company Representative
Print (or type) Name:___________________________
Title: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________