ISE 12.1安装的一个问题
所有需要的程序都在 X:\Xilinx\12.1\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt 路径下,一般常用的有 analyzer.exe,ise.exe, impact.exe,给它们做个桌面快捷方式就可以了。如果要编译Modelsim的仿真库, 用 compxlibgui.exe 就可以了。
关键词: 装的 一个 问题
SDK,选择的最新SP605的板子,据说对SP605这块嵌入式开发套件的支持很好,但是用了才知道,很垃圾,速度慢得找不着,用了将近70分钟才generate netlist and generate bits 完成,也就是硬件生成部分,软件部分对SP605上1GB的DDR3,居然说驱动找不到,数据端口数量有有问题,让我非常失望,还有更甚的是,弄了一晚上,最后从EDK导入工程到SDK时却不能成功!
都想好了,还是把12.1给卸了,装回原来的10.X 算了,那个还有快些,也要稳定和方便点,可惜的是不支持最新的V6和S6器件,哎,没有办法啦!
ISE Design Suite 12.1
Desktop icons and Start Menu shortcuts for non-English/non-Japanese Localization
For Platforms:
Windows 32-bit/Windows 64-bit
I. Description
Desktop icons and Start Menu shortcuts are not being created by the installer
for any language localization other than the supported languages, English and
Japanese. This patch, in conjunction with one of the installer scripts, will
correctly create desktop icons and start menu shortcuts.
II. Instructions for use:
1) This patch can either be applied to the installer files or the installed
area. To use the installer location, use the files in the installer_files
directory and use installed_area directory in the patch to patch the
installed area.
a) The installer is the location that you run the installer from to
install the tools. The installed area is the result of an install.
2) Before applying the patch, make a copy of libwiclient.dll within your
bin/[nt|nt64] or lib/[nt|nt64] area. The location is dependent on whether
you are patching the installer or the installed area.
3) Open the installer directory or the installed area. The directory
structure in this location should be equavalent to the insaller_files
directory or installed_area directory in the patch. Copy the files within
the patch directory and paste it onto the installer/installed area location.
4) Windows should ask you if you would like to replace the libwiclient.dll.
Make sure you back up the original and click "yes".
5) Open your <Installer>/bin/nt or <Installed_AREA>/common/bin/nt and run
6) Your shortcuts should be created.
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