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[求助]谁有T2.2.1 for x86

Tornado 2.2.1
Tornado 2.2.1 and VxWorks 5.5.1 is an update to Tornado 2.2. It was first released in late June 2003, and updated in late October 2003 to provide support for the Motorola PowerPC 85xx architecture.
Tornado 2.2.1/VxWorks 5.5.1 Key Features
Support for the Motorola PowerPC 85xx processor family
Support for the following MIPS processor families:
Toshiba Tx79xx
PMC Rm9xxx
ARM-10 support
[B]486 support [/B]
Support for IBM750fx, MTI 5kf, and non-Intel Pentium processors
Integrated Cumulative Patch 1 (CP-1) support
Cumulative Patch 1 (CP-1) Key Features
Cumulative patch to Tornado 2.2 / VxWorks 5.5
Over 200 SPR fixes
GDB 5.3
Click here for the CP-1 download page
[B]Note that the separately downloadable CP-1 does not include support for the new processor families available in the Tornado 2.2.1 release (as listed above). If you require support for the new CPU variants, you must install the Tornado 2.2.1 release from CD (in its own tree) instead of this patch. [/B]
BSP/Drivers for Tornado and VxWorks
Certain BSPs, as well as BSP and driver updates, are available for download from the Wind River online support site. Before downloading updates from the site, all customers must first install the following items from the Tornado 2.2.1/VxWorks 5.5.1 BSP/Drivers CD:
Driver Objects and Headers
Any source products and/or the BSP Porting Kit (if you have purchased these items and wish to use them)
Note that some BSPs are only available from the online support site, see our BSP site for available downloads
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