为什么选择Microsoft Windows XP Embedded,而不选择Wind River?
[align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-23 17:40:04编辑过][/color][/align]
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Linux In Embedded Systems:
Where Are The Benefits?
If GPL issues are somehow manageable, device makers
might still figure they can reduce software costs with
linux by relying on the linux community for support.
Unfortunately, that appears unlikely at this point. This
is not due to a lack of interest or passion on the part of
the linux community, but because there is no common
platform to rally around.
Jerry Fiddler
Chairman and Co-founder
Wind River
Linux In Embedded Systems:
Where Are The Benefits?
If GPL issues are somehow manageable, device makers
might still figure they can reduce software costs with
linux by relying on the linux community for support.
Unfortunately, that appears unlikely at this point. This
is not due to a lack of interest or passion on the part of
the linux community, but because there is no common
platform to rally around.
Jerry Fiddler
Chairman and Co-founder
Wind River
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