按照编译指导进行的编译1. compile kernel code: $cd lichee $./build.sh -p sun6i_fiber 2. select android product $cd ../android4.2 $source build/envsetup.sh $lunch //select corresponding product, eg: fiber-a31st 3. copy kernel and modules to android product $extract-bsp 4. comfile android system $make 5. pack the img. file $pack f) using PhoenixSuit, burn the img. file to your products. 编译的过程按照教程给的,但是由于教程给的和实际的不一样,烧成了a31stm的固件 烧录进去后,用hdmi转vga能看得到截面,但usb无法识别。后来无奈之下使用了sd卡尝试官方给的固件,usb是有反应了,但是看不到界面了。而且想用线刷也刷不了啊。请问有方法解救吗? |
Starting kernel ...
[ 1.156645] sun6i_vibrator_init motor is not used in config
[ 1.233630] otg_wakelock_init: No OTG transceiver found
[ 3.615537] init: width = 1280
[ 3.618954] init: height = 720
[ 3.622396] init: s.st_size = 3145728
[ 3.626476] init: logo match failed!fbsize = 3686400
[ 3.653595] init: dont need format /dev/block/by-name/UDISK
[ 6.108739] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_write_a16_d8 error! slave = 0x36, addr = 0x3000, value = 0x 0
[ 6.108748]
[ 6.120565] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_write_a16_d8 error! slave = 0x36, addr = 0x3000, value = 0x 0
[ 6.120573] [i2c0] incomplete xfer (status: 0x20, dev addr: 0x36)
[ 6.120767] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_write_a16_d8 error! slave = 0x36, addr = 0x3000, value = 0x 0
[ 6.120775] [OV5647]error at sensor_write_array
[ 6.120986] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_read_a16_d8 error! slave = 0x36, addr = 0x 100, value = 0xe6
[ 6.120994] [i2c0] incomplete xfer (status: 0x20, dev addr: 0x36)
[ 6.121187] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_read_a16_d8 error! slave = 0x36, addr = 0x 100, value = 0xe6
[ 6.121196] [i2c0] incomplete xfer (status: 0x20, dev addr: 0x36)
[ 6.121388] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_read_a16_d8 error! slave = 0x36, addr = 0x 100, value = 0xe6
[ 6.121396] [OV5647]soft stby falied!
[ 6.247346] init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', disabling 'flash_recovery'
[ 6.252098] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_write_a8_d8 error! slave = 0x21, addr = 0xf0, value = 0x 0
[ 6.252107] [i2c0] incomplete xfer (status: 0x20, dev addr: 0x21)
[ 6.252300] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_write_a8_d8 error! slave = 0x21, addr = 0xf0, value = 0x 0
[ 6.252308] [i2c0] incomplete xfer (status: 0x20, dev addr: 0x21)
[ 6.252501] [VFE_DEV_I2C_ERR]cci_write_a8_d8 error! slave = 0x21, addr = 0xf0, value = 0x 0
[ 6.252509] [CSI_ERR][GC0307]error at sensor_write_array
shell@android:/ $ [ 20.171105] init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:1003 name:service.bootanim.exi
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