What’s New in 5.2 MR-1 Template Class Inheritance in Rhapsody in C++ Beginning with Rhapsody 5.2 MR-1, you can graphically model an inheritance from a template class. When inheritance is used from a class or template class to a template class, the features dialog box for generalizations contains an additional tab, called Template Instantiation. See Additional Features on page 13 for more information on this functionality. Types Prior to Rhapsody 5.2 MR-1, a newly created attribute, variable, or argument had the default type of int. Now, you can set the default data type to any type defined by your design and coding standards. For example, you could set the default data type to int32, or to a userdefined type called not_defined to emphasize that the type for this attribute, variable, or argument was not yet defined. In addition, you can control which types are listed as alternatives for attributes, variables, and arguments to make commonly used types easily accessible. For example, you can omit the types listed in the Predefined package from the list of alternative types, and instead specify a list of packages that contain the types defined according to your design and code standards. See Additional Features on page 13 for more information on this functionality.
Rhapsody ATG Rhapsody Version 5.2 MR-1 introduces automatic testcase generation with a new product, Rhapsody ATG. Rhapsody ATG enables you to generate test cases by automatically analyzing the Rhapsody model and parsing the code. The resultant test cases offer the maximum coverage possible for a particular design. This capability extends model-driven development to include model-driven testing. The automation of the test generation process not only saves time, but ensures an automated, repeatable, higher-quality testing process -- and, therefore, a higher quality implementation of your design. See the Rhapsody ATG documentation for more information on this important new product. Rhapsody in Ada This version of Rhapsody in Ada includes support for SPARK. XMI Toolkit Now you can export association classes, including their stereotypes and descriptions.
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