1.网络下载 vxworks: 修改config.h:"ene=0,0(0,0)host:d:\\tornado\\target\\config\\pc486\\vxworks h= e= u=vxcxl pw=iscxl tn=target ",包含 #define INCLUDE_ENE,网卡io地址和中断号为默认的 #define IO_ADRS_ENE 0x300 #define INT_LVL_ENE 0x05 生成目标文件bootrom.sys和VxWorks, 主机操作系统Winxp安装目录下有一文件lmhosts.sam和host,向其中都加入: host target 启动Tornado组件FTP Server,在WFTPD窗口中选择菜单Security中的User/right...,在其 弹出窗口中选择New User...,根据提示信息输入登录用户名和口令,指定下载文件 VxWorks所在根目录d:\tornado\target\config\pc486。选取Log options、Enable Logging、G ets 、Logins 、Commands 、Warnings选项。将系统引导软盘插入目标机软驱,加电启动失败,显示: dosFsDevInit failed usrFdconfigt failed
2.软盘下载vxworks,初始化网络o=ene: Attached TCP/IP interface to ene unit0 Attaching network interface lo0…done NFS client support not included Vxworks Copyright 1984-1998 Wind River Systems,Inc Cpu: PC 486 Vxworks 5.4.2 BSP version:1.2/0 Creartion date Oct 3 2004 WDB :Ready 设置好target server(选择wdbrpc , 设置好core file and symbols ), 但是launch target server显示 tgtsvr (target@host): Sun Oct 03 10:27:24 2004 Wind River Systems Target Server: NT/Win95 version Connecting to target agent... Error: rpccore backend client Timed out failed. 而且在主机里ping不通目标机,请问我怎样才可以把网络连通? 3.按照doc的5.1.4驱动修改bsp后,建造bootrom和pc486 bsp,mkboot a:bootrom 启动pc104,显示器显示 Attaching TFFS…DevCreate(0,0)failed usrTFFSconfig failed 请问是什么我问题?