MSR - Load specified fields of the CPSR or SPSR with an immediate constant, or from the contents of a general-purpose register.
MSR{cond} <psr>_<fields>, #immed_8r MSR{cond} <psr>_<fields>, Rm where: cond is an optional condition code. <psr> is either CPSR or SPSR. <fields> specifies the field or fields to be moved. <fields> can be one or more of:
c control field mask byte (PSR[7:0]) x extension field mask byte (PSR[15:8]) s status field mask byte (PSR[23:16) f flags field mask byte (PSR[31:24]). immed_8r is an expression evaluating to a numeric constant. The constant must correspond to an 8-bit pattern rotated by an even number of bits within a 32-bit word. Rm is the source register.
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