In-Circuit Emulator. See emulator.
Input/Output. The interface between a processor and the world around it. The simplest examples are switches (inputs) and LEDs (outputs).
I/O device(IO设备)
A piece of hardware that interfaces between the processor and the outside world. Common examples are switches and LEDs, serial ports, and network controllers.
I/O map(I/O映射)
A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressable by the processor within the I/O space. I/O maps are a helpful aid in getting to know the target.
I/O space(I/O空间)
A special memory region provided by some processors and generally reserved for the attachment of I/O devices. Memory locations and registers within an I/O space can be accessed only via special instructions. For example, processors in the 80x86 family have special I/O space instructions called in and out. Contrast with memory space.
一个由处理器提供的特殊内存区域,一般为为I/O设备的附件保留。在I/O空间的内存位置和寄存器只能通过特殊的指定进行访问。例如:80X86家族的处理器有叫做in / out的特殊的I/O空间指令。相对内存空间而言。

See interrupt service routine.
instruction pointer(指令指针)
A register in the processor that contains the address of the next instructio
n to be executed. Also known as a program counter.
An asynchronous electrical signal from a peripheral to the processor. When the peripheral asserts this signal, we say that an interrupt occurs. When an interrupt occurs, the current state of the processor is saved and an interrupt service routine is executed. When the interrupt service routine exits, control of the processor is returned to whatever part of the software was previously running.
interrupt latency(中断延迟)
The amount of time between the assertion of an interrupt and the start of th
e associated interrupt service routine.
interrupt service routine(中断服务程序)
A piece of software executed in response to a particular interrupt.
interrupt type(中断类型)
A unique number associated with each interrupt.
interrupt vector (中断向量)
The address of an interrupt service routine.
interrupt vector table(中断向量表)
A table containing interrupt vectors and indexed by interrupt type. This table contains the processor"s mapping between interrupts and interrupt service routines and must be initialized by the programmer.
intertask communication(进程间通讯)
A mechanism used by tasks and interrupt service routines to share information and synchronize their access to shared resources. The most common building blocks of intertask communication are semaphores and mutexes.
See interrupt service routine.
instruction pointer(指令指针)
A register in the processor that contains the address of the next instructio
n to be executed. Also known as a program counter.
An asynchronous electrical signal from a peripheral to the processor. When the peripheral asserts this signal, we say that an interrupt occurs. When an interrupt occurs, the current state of the processor is saved and an interrupt service routine is executed. When the interrupt service routine exits, control of the processor is returned to whatever part of the software was previously running.
interrupt latency(中断延迟)
The amount of time between the assertion of an interrupt and the start of th
e associated interrupt service routine.
interrupt service routine(中断服务程序)
A piece of software executed in response to a particular interrupt.
interrupt type(中断类型)
A unique number associated with each interrupt.
interrupt vector (中断向量)
The address of an interrupt service routine.
interrupt vector table(中断向量表)
A table containing interrupt vectors and indexed by interrupt type. This table contains the processor"s mapping between interrupts and interrupt service routines and must be initialized by the programmer.
intertask communication(进程间通讯)
A mechanism used by tasks and interrupt service routines to share information and synchronize their access to shared resources. The most common building blocks of intertask communication are semaphores and mutexes.

An essential part of any multitasking operating system, the kernel contains
just the scheduler and context-switch routine.
A software development tool that accepts one or more object files as input a nd outputs a relocatable program. The linker is thus run after all of the source files have been compiled or assembled.
A software development tool that assigns physical addresses to the elocatab le program produced by the linker. This is the last step in the preparation of software for execution by an embedded system and the resulting file is called an executable. In some cases, the locator"s function may be hidden with in the linker.
logic analyzer(逻辑分析仪)
A hardware debugging tool that can be used to capture the logic levels (0 or
1) of dozens, or even hundreds, of electrical signals in real-time. Logic analyzers can be quite helpful for debugging hardware problems and complex pr ocessor-peripheral interactions.
An essential part of any multitasking operating system, the kernel contains
just the scheduler and context-switch routine.
A software development tool that accepts one or more object files as input a nd outputs a relocatable program. The linker is thus run after all of the source files have been compiled or assembled.
A software development tool that assigns physical addresses to the elocatab le program produced by the linker. This is the last step in the preparation of software for execution by an embedded system and the resulting file is called an executable. In some cases, the locator"s function may be hidden with in the linker.
logic analyzer(逻辑分析仪)
A hardware debugging tool that can be used to capture the logic levels (0 or
1) of dozens, or even hundreds, of electrical signals in real-time. Logic analyzers can be quite helpful for debugging hardware problems and complex pr ocessor-peripheral interactions.

memory map(内存映射)
A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressable by the processor within the memory space. Memory maps are a helpful aid in getting to know the target.
memory-mapped I/O(内存映射I/O)
An increasingly common hardware design methodology in which I/O devices are placed into the memory space rather than the I/O space. From the processor"s point of view, memory-mapped I/O devices look very much like memory devices.
memory space(内存空间)
A processor"s standard address space. Contrast with I/O space.
A microcontroller is very similar to a microprocessor. The main difference is that a microcontroller is designed specifically for use in embedded systems Microcontrollers typically include a CPU, memory (a small amount of RAM and/or ROM), and other peripherals on the same chip. Common examples are the 8051, Intel"s 80196, and Motorola"s 68HCxx series.
memory map(内存映射)
A table or diagram containing the name and address range of each peripheral addressable by the processor within the memory space. Memory maps are a helpful aid in getting to know the target.
memory-mapped I/O(内存映射I/O)
An increasingly common hardware design methodology in which I/O devices are placed into the memory space rather than the I/O space. From the processor"s point of view, memory-mapped I/O devices look very much like memory devices.
memory space(内存空间)
A processor"s standard address space. Contrast with I/O space.
A microcontroller is very similar to a microprocessor. The main difference is that a microcontroller is designed specifically for use in embedded systems Microcontrollers typically include a CPU, memory (a small amount of RAM and/or ROM), and other peripherals on the same chip. Common examples are the 8051, Intel"s 80196, and Motorola"s 68HCxx series.

A piece of silicon containing a general-purpose CPU. The most common examples are Intel"s 80x86 and Motorola"s 680x0 families.
一片包含通用CPU的硅片。常见的例子是:Intel80x86、Motorola 680x0系列。
In the context of this book, a debug monitor. However, there is a second meaning for this word that is associated with intertask communication. In that context, a monitor is a language-level synchronization feature.
The use of more than one processor in a single computer system. So-called "multiprocessor systems" usually have a common memory space through which the processors can communicate and share data. In addition, some multiprocessor systems support parallel processing.
Multitasking (多任务)
The execution of multiple software routines in pseudo-parallel. Each routine
represents a separate "thread of execution" and is referred to as a task. The operating system is responsible for simulating parallelism by parceling out the processor"s time.
A data structure for mutual exclusion, also known as a binary semaphore. A mutex is basically just a multitasking-aware binary flag that can be used to
synchronize the activities of multiple tasks. As such, it can be used to protect critical sections of the code from interruption and shared resources from simultaneous use.
mutual exclusion(互斥现象)
A guarantee of exclusive access to a shared resource. In embedded systems, the shared resource is typically a block of memory, a global variable, or a set of registers. Mutual exclusion can be achieved with the use of a semaphore or mutex.
A piece of silicon containing a general-purpose CPU. The most common examples are Intel"s 80x86 and Motorola"s 680x0 families.
一片包含通用CPU的硅片。常见的例子是:Intel80x86、Motorola 680x0系列。
In the context of this book, a debug monitor. However, there is a second meaning for this word that is associated with intertask communication. In that context, a monitor is a language-level synchronization feature.
The use of more than one processor in a single computer system. So-called "multiprocessor systems" usually have a common memory space through which the processors can communicate and share data. In addition, some multiprocessor systems support parallel processing.
Multitasking (多任务)
The execution of multiple software routines in pseudo-parallel. Each routine
represents a separate "thread of execution" and is referred to as a task. The operating system is responsible for simulating parallelism by parceling out the processor"s time.
A data structure for mutual exclusion, also known as a binary semaphore. A mutex is basically just a multitasking-aware binary flag that can be used to
synchronize the activities of multiple tasks. As such, it can be used to protect critical sections of the code from interruption and shared resources from simultaneous use.
mutual exclusion(互斥现象)
A guarantee of exclusive access to a shared resource. In embedded systems, the shared resource is typically a block of memory, a global variable, or a set of registers. Mutual exclusion can be achieved with the use of a semaphore or mutex.

Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that retains its data even when the system is powered down. NVRAM frequently consists of an SRAM and a long-life battery.
See one-time programmable.
object code(目标代码)
A set of processor-readable opcodes and data. The output of compilers,assemblers, linkers, and locators are files containing object code.
object file(目标文件)
A file containing object code. The output of a compiler or assembler.
one-time programmable(一次可编程的)
Any programmable device, like a PROM, that can be programmed just once by th
e end user. However, this term is used almost exclusively to refer to microc ontrollers with on-chip PROM.
A sequence of bits that is recognized by the processor as one of the instruc
tions in its instruction set.
operating system(操作系统)
A piece of software that makes multitasking possible. An operating system ty
pically consists of a set of function calls, or software interrupts, and a periodic clock tick. The operating system is responsible for deciding which task should be using the processor at a given time and for controlling access to shared resources.
A hardware debugging tool that allows you to view the voltage on one or more electrical lines. For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular interrupt is currently asserted.
Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory. A type of RAM that retains its data even when the system is powered down. NVRAM frequently consists of an SRAM and a long-life battery.
See one-time programmable.
object code(目标代码)
A set of processor-readable opcodes and data. The output of compilers,assemblers, linkers, and locators are files containing object code.
object file(目标文件)
A file containing object code. The output of a compiler or assembler.
one-time programmable(一次可编程的)
Any programmable device, like a PROM, that can be programmed just once by th
e end user. However, this term is used almost exclusively to refer to microc ontrollers with on-chip PROM.
A sequence of bits that is recognized by the processor as one of the instruc
tions in its instruction set.
operating system(操作系统)
A piece of software that makes multitasking possible. An operating system ty
pically consists of a set of function calls, or software interrupts, and a periodic clock tick. The operating system is responsible for deciding which task should be using the processor at a given time and for controlling access to shared resources.
A hardware debugging tool that allows you to view the voltage on one or more electrical lines. For example, you might use an oscilloscope to determine if a particular interrupt is currently asserted.

Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be written (programmed) with a device programmer. These memory devices can be programmed only once, so they are sometimes referred to as write-once or one-time programmable devices.
parallel processing(并行进程)
The ability to apply two or more processors to a single computation.
Peripheral (外设)
A piece of hardware other than the processor, usually memory or an I/O device. The peripheral may reside within the same chip as the processor, in which case it is called an internal peripheral.
physical address(物理地址)
The actual address that is placed on the address bus when accessing a memory location or register.
A scheduler is said to be preemptive if it allows the running task to be sus
pended when a higher-priority task becomes ready. Non-preemptive schedulers are easier to implement but less appropriate for embedded systems.
A method of interfacing with hardware that involves repeatedly reading a status register until the device has reached the awaited state. Device drivers are either polling or interrupt-driven, with the latter being more generally preferred.
The relative importance of one task compared to another.
priority inversion(优先转置)
An unwanted software situation in which a high-priority task is delayed while waiting for access to a shared resource that is not even being used at the time. For all practical purposes, the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.
Programmable Read-Only Memory. A type of ROM that can be written (programmed) with a device programmer. These memory devices can be programmed only once, so they are sometimes referred to as write-once or one-time programmable devices.
parallel processing(并行进程)
The ability to apply two or more processors to a single computation.
Peripheral (外设)
A piece of hardware other than the processor, usually memory or an I/O device. The peripheral may reside within the same chip as the processor, in which case it is called an internal peripheral.
physical address(物理地址)
The actual address that is placed on the address bus when accessing a memory location or register.
A scheduler is said to be preemptive if it allows the running task to be sus
pended when a higher-priority task becomes ready. Non-preemptive schedulers are easier to implement but less appropriate for embedded systems.
A method of interfacing with hardware that involves repeatedly reading a status register until the device has reached the awaited state. Device drivers are either polling or interrupt-driven, with the latter being more generally preferred.
The relative importance of one task compared to another.
priority inversion(优先转置)
An unwanted software situation in which a high-priority task is delayed while waiting for access to a shared resource that is not even being used at the time. For all practical purposes, the priority of this task has been lowered during the delay period.

A word that is often confused with task or thread. The crucial distinction is that all of the tasks in a system share a common memory space. Processes, on the other hand, always have their own private memory space. Processes are common in multi-user systems but are rarely, if ever, found in embedded systems.
A generic term that does not distinction between microprocessor, microcontroller, and digital signal processor.
processor family(处理器族)
A set of related processors, usually successive generations from the same manufacturer. For example, Intel"s 80x86 family began with the 8086 and now in
cludes the 80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, and many others. The later models
in a family are typically backwards-compatible with the ones that came before.
一个相关的处理器集,常常连续地从一个生产商产生。例如:Intel"s 80x86族开始从8086开始,现在有80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium及其他。在一个族中,稍后的产品典型地向后兼容在它以前生产的产品。
A piece of software that is independent of the processor on which it will be
run. Most programs that can be written in a high-level language are processor-independent. Contrast with processor-specific.
A piece of software that is highly dependent on the processor on which it wi ll be run. Such code must usually be written in assembly language. Contrast with processor-independent.
一个高度依赖处理器的软件,在上其才能运行。一些代码必须用汇编语言编写。相对于处理器无关。 [code]<SCRIPT style="COLOR: #000" event="onload for=window type=text/javascript>
A word that is often confused with task or thread. The crucial distinction is that all of the tasks in a system share a common memory space. Processes, on the other hand, always have their own private memory space. Processes are common in multi-user systems but are rarely, if ever, found in embedded systems.
A generic term that does not distinction between microprocessor, microcontroller, and digital signal processor.
processor family(处理器族)
A set of related processors, usually successive generations from the same manufacturer. For example, Intel"s 80x86 family began with the 8086 and now in
cludes the 80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, and many others. The later models
in a family are typically backwards-compatible with the ones that came before.
一个相关的处理器集,常常连续地从一个生产商产生。例如:Intel"s 80x86族开始从8086开始,现在有80186, 286, 386, 486, Pentium及其他。在一个族中,稍后的产品典型地向后兼容在它以前生产的产品。
A piece of software that is independent of the processor on which it will be
run. Most programs that can be written in a high-level language are processor-independent. Contrast with processor-specific.
A piece of software that is highly dependent on the processor on which it wi ll be run. Such code must usually be written in assembly language. Contrast with processor-independent.
一个高度依赖处理器的软件,在上其才能运行。一些代码必须用汇编语言编写。相对于处理器无关。 [code]<SCRIPT style="COLOR: #000" event="onload for=window type=text/javascript>
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