拥有ViaLink技术的QuickLogic对FPFA行业做了一个形象的比喻,它把Xilinx和Altera比为可口和百事,认为这个市场已经变为两家独大,为了避免成为像Cadbury Schweppes(吉百利史威士,全球第3大软饮料公司)这样的品牌,公司宣布要从FPGA厂商变为CSSP厂商。虽然是EDN造出的一个缩写,但是像这样的缩写还是有可能在以后几年被大家所熟知,就像FPGA一样,没有人再去关心现场可编程门阵列这样一个读法。有意思的是公司为了顺应这一转变,连应用工程师的名字都改了,AE(application engineers)这个title已经没有了,转变为SSTs (Systems Solutions Teams)系统方案小组,由一些CSA (Customer Solutions Architects)客户方案构架师组成。他们不仅要协助设计,更重要的是要帮助客户定义架构。
在维基上ASSP(application specific standard product)的定义如下:An application specific standard product or ASSP is an integrated circuit that implements a specific function that appeals to a wide market. As opposed to ASICs that combine a collection of functions and designed by or for one customer, ASSPs are available as off-the-shelf components. ASSPs are used in all industries, from automotive to communications.
而CSSP的不同在于:CSSPs are ASSPs that, with a little unique programming, can be customized to suit a specific customer's needs and add differentiation to their products.