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QNX Neutrino RTOS 的内核

2005-06-09 05:39:41     打赏

QNX Neutrino RTOS (以下简称"QNX")所用的开发环境和支持的嵌入设备使用同一个微内核,就是说你在PC上调通的程序,可以直接用在手机上,因为两者都是用QNX操作系统。




"Thinking that microkernels may enhance computational performance can stem but from a typical myopic analysis: indeed, at every place where functionality is implemented, things look locally simpler and more efficient. Now, if you look at the whole picture, and sum the local effects of microkernel design all over the place, it is obvious that the global effect is complexity and bloat in as much as the design was followed, i.e. at every server barrier. For an analogy, take a big heavy beef, chop it into small morsels, wrap those morsels within hygienic plastic bags, and link those bags with strings; whereas each morsel is much smaller than the original beef, the end-result will be heavier than the beef by the weight of the plastic and string, in a ratio inversely proportional to the small size of chops (i.e. the more someone boasts about the local simplicity achieved by his microkernel, the more global complexity he has actually added with regard to similar design without microkernel)."


QNX克服了这个缺点。Unix使用同步系统调用。Mach(Gnu Hurd的微内核)和minix模仿了这些做法。QNX则使用异步的系统调用。

文章中还提到了Andy Tanenbaum (creator of Minix) and Linus Torvalds (creator of the Linux kernel)关于微内核和单内核的论战。很著名的舌战,原文里有连接。


关键词: Neutrino     内核    

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