During various occasions a digital amplifier can generate a click or a pop. The click is generated at changes of the operational modes of the amplifier, e.g., charging of capacitors or mute/unmute. For Class D amplifier systems, click is typically at PWM start and stop. The audibility of a click depends on the system, amplifier, and speaker. Also, perception of the click is subjective. This makes it difficult to compare the results from two different systems. This document specifies a measurement technique which can be used for all systems, makes results comparable, and gives limits to what is acceptable in an end application. The described measurement technique applies to all systems which have a start-up sequence of less than 1 ms. For PurePath Digital systems, this applies to the TAS5026, TAS5036, TAS5066, TAS5076, TAS5028, TAS5508, and TAS5518. Measurements on two EVMs, TAS5066-5121K6EVM and TAS5508-5121K6EVM, are shown for reference.
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