上海ADI--招聘职位:电机控制 (AE)
Be responsible for understanding System Specifications, Requirements and Partitioning in motor control applications in China.
Develop relationships with technology leaders and system architects at key selected Motor and Power Control accounts.
Ensure that the requirements and challenges of these Chinese customers are included in any product definition for the motor control segment.
Be responsible for the development of system level solutions such as Reference Designs, Demo Systems, Proof of Concepts and Application circuits for the labs (CFTL).
Be responsible for defining the Whole Product Solution/Ecosystem including development platforms, solution examples, software requirements, etc
Support the Regional Segment System Apps Engineers at key selected accounts, especially with regard to system level architecture and early engagement design-in activities
Provide Expert Applications support for the Regional Segment System Apps Engineers and FAEs for motor control applications
8+ years in system design role in industrial driveor servo motor applications
QQ:1121590316 (如不在线,请直接留言,我尽快会回复)
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