Processing Rule : Broken-Net Constraint ( (On the board ) )
Violation Net VCC is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U5-1
Subnet : C5-1
Violation Net XT2OUT_0 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : C3-2
Subnet : U2-52
Subnet : Y1-2
Violation Net XT2IN_0 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : Y1-1
Subnet : U2-53
Subnet : C4-2
Violation Net XOUT_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : Y2-1
Subnet : U2-9
Violation Net VREF+_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : C10-2
Subnet : U2-7
Violation Net TMS_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-56
Subnet : JP1-5
Violation Net TDO_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-54
Subnet : JP1-1
Violation Net TDI_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-55
Subnet : JP1-3
Violation Net TCK_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-57
Subnet : JP1-7
Violation Net REST_0 is broken into 5 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : D1-1
Subnet : C1-2
Subnet : JP1-11
Subnet : R3-1
Subnet : U2-58
Violation Net P63_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-4
Subnet : U2-2
Violation Net P53_0 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : R10-1
Subnet : U2-47
Subnet : U4-6
Violation Net P41(SCL)_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U1-6
Subnet : R2-1
Violation Net P40(SDA)_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U1-5
Subnet : R1-1
Violation Net NetU4_22 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-22
Subnet : C18-1
Subnet : Y3-1
Violation Net NetU4_21 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-21
Subnet : Y3-2
Subnet : C17-1
Violation Net NetU4_16 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-16
Subnet : R11-1
Subnet : C12-2
Violation Net NetU4_13 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : L2-1
Subnet : U4-13
Violation Net NetU4_11 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : L1-1
Subnet : U4-11
Violation Net NetJ1_3 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : RV1-1
Subnet : J1-3
Violation Net NetC8_1 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : C8-1
Subnet : U3-6
Violation Net AVCC is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-64
Subnet : C5-2
Subnet : R4-2
Violation Net XIN_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : Y2-2
Subnet : U2-8
Violation Net P10_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 94.12%
Subnet : S13-1 S13-1 S9-1 S5-1 S1-1 S13-1 S13-1 S9-1 S5-1 S1-1
S9-1 S9-1 S5-1 S5-1 S1-1 S1-1 R5-1
Subnet : U2-12
Violation Net P11_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 94.12%
Subnet : S14-1 S14-1 S14-1 S14-1 S10-1 S10-1 S10-1 S10-1 S6-1 S6-1
S6-1 S6-1 S2-1 S2-1 S2-1 S2-1 R6-1
Subnet : U2-13
Violation Net P12_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 94.12%
Subnet : S15-1 S15-1 S15-1 S15-1 S11-1 S11-1 S11-1 S11-1 S7-1 S7-1
S7-1 S7-1 S3-1 S3-1 S3-1 S3-1 R7-1
Subnet : U2-14
Violation Net P13_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 94.12%
Subnet : S16-1 S16-1 S16-1 S16-1 S12-1 S8-1 S4-1 S12-1 S8-1 S4-1
S12-1 S12-1 S8-1 S8-1 S4-1 S4-1 R8-1
Subnet : U2-15
Violation Net P15_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 91.67%
Subnet : S9-2 S9-2 S9-2 S10-2 S10-2 S10-2 S11-2 S11-2 S11-2 S12-2
S12-2 S12-2
Subnet : U2-17
Violation Net P16_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 91.67%
Subnet : S5-2 S5-2 S5-2 S6-2 S6-2 S6-2 S7-2 S7-2 S7-2 S8-2
S8-2 S8-2
Subnet : U2-18
Violation Net P17_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 91.67%
Subnet : S1-2 S2-2 S1-2 S1-2 S2-2 S2-2 S3-2 S3-2 S3-2 S4-2
S4-2 S4-2
Subnet : U2-19
Violation Net P57_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-24
Subnet : U2-51
Violation Net P56_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-29
Subnet : U2-50
Violation Net P34_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U3-10
Subnet : U2-32
Violation Net P55_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-30
Subnet : U2-49
Violation Net NetU4_14 is broken into 10 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-14
Subnet : C13-1
Subnet : C21-1
Subnet : C21-2
Subnet : C20-2
Subnet : C20-1
Subnet : C19-1
Subnet : C16-1
Subnet : C14-1
Subnet : C15-2
Violation Net P35_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U3-9
Subnet : U2-33
Violation Net P51_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-31
Subnet : U2-45
Violation Net NetL1_2 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : L1-2
Subnet : C16-2
Subnet : C14-2
Violation Net NetL2_2 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : L2-2
Subnet : C15-1
Subnet : C19-2
Violation Net NetU4_17 is broken into 3 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U4-17
Subnet : R9-1
Subnet : R11-2
Violation Net NetR9_2 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : C13-2
Subnet : R9-2
Violation Net P64_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-5
Subnet : U2-3
Violation Net P65_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-6
Subnet : U2-4
Violation Net P20_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-7
Subnet : U2-20
Violation Net P21_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-8
Subnet : U2-21
Violation Net P22_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-9
Subnet : U2-22
Violation Net P23_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-10
Subnet : U2-23
Violation Net P24_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : J1-11
Subnet : U2-24
Violation Net P25_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-25
Subnet : J1-12
Violation Net P26_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-26
Subnet : J1-13
Violation Net P27_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-27
Subnet : J1-14
Violation Net P66_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-5
Subnet : J1-15
Violation Net P67_0 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : U2-6
Subnet : J1-16
Violation Net NetJ1_18 is broken into 2 sub-nets. Routed To 0.00%
Subnet : RV1-3
Subnet : J1-18
Violation Net 3.3V is broken into 24 sub-nets. Routed To 11.54%
Subnet : R5-2 R6-2
Subnet : C6-2 U3-16
Subnet : R1-2
Subnet : U1-8
Subnet : J1-2
Subnet : R10-2
Subnet : U4-3
Subnet : R2-2
Subnet : D1-2
Subnet : U4-2
Subnet : U4-12
Subnet : U4-32
Subnet : R7-2 R8-2
Subnet : C22-1
Subnet : C23-1
Subnet : C2-1
Subnet : R3-2
Subnet : U4-15
Subnet : C11-1
Subnet : U2-1
Subnet : JP1-2
Subnet : R4-1
Subnet : J1-17
Subnet : J1-19
Violation Net GND is broken into 30 sub-nets. Routed To 17.14%
Subnet : J2-5 C8-2 U3-11 U3-15
Subnet : U1-4
Subnet : U1-3
Subnet : U1-2
Subnet : U1-7
Subnet : U1-1
Subnet : RV1-2
Subnet : J1-1
Subnet : U4-5 U4-33 U4-10 U4-18
Subnet : U4-4
Subnet : U4-1
Subnet : U5-2
Subnet : U5-3
Subnet : R12-1
Subnet : C22-2
Subnet : C23-2
Subnet : U5-2
Subnet : JP1-9
Subnet : C2-2
Subnet : C10-1
Subnet : C1-1
Subnet : C12-1
Subnet : U2-63
Subnet : U2-62
Subnet : C3-1
Subnet : C4-1
Subnet : C18-2
Subnet : C11-2
Subnet : J1-20
Subnet : C17-2
Rule Violations :56
Processing Rule : Clearance Constraint (Gap=10mil) (On the board ),(On the board )
Violation between Pad U2-2(1760mil,4460.315mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-1(1760mil,4480mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-55(2025.748mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-54(2045.433mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-53(2065.118mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-54(2045.433mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-44(2232.441mil,4401.26mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-45(2232.441mil,4420.945mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-46(2232.441mil,4440.63mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-45(2232.441mil,4420.945mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-3(1760mil,4440.63mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-2(1760mil,4460.315mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-14(1760mil,4224.095mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-13(1760mil,4243.779mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-12(1760mil,4263.465mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-13(1760mil,4243.779mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-35(2232.441mil,4224.095mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-36(2232.441mil,4243.779mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-37(2232.441mil,4263.465mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-36(2232.441mil,4243.779mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-29(2084.803mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-30(2104.488mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-31(2124.173mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-30(2104.488mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-41(2232.441mil,4342.205mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-42(2232.441mil,4361.89mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-43(2232.441mil,4381.575mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-42(2232.441mil,4361.89mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-34(2232.441mil,4204.409mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-35(2232.441mil,4224.095mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-7(1760mil,4361.89mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-6(1760mil,4381.575mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-5(1760mil,4401.26mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-6(1760mil,4381.575mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-20(1907.638mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-21(1927.323mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-22(1947.008mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-21(1927.323mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-32(2143.858mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-31(2124.173mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-12(1760mil,4263.465mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-11(1760mil,4283.15mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-10(1760mil,4302.835mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-11(1760mil,4283.15mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-62(1887.953mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-61(1907.638mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-60(1927.323mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-61(1907.638mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-34(2232.441mil,4204.409mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-33(2232.441mil,4184.724mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-4(1760mil,4420.945mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-5(1760mil,4401.26mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-9(1760mil,4322.52mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-8(1760mil,4342.205mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-7(1760mil,4361.89mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-8(1760mil,4342.205mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-64(1848.583mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-63(1868.268mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-59(1947.008mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-60(1927.323mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-56(2006.063mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-55(2025.748mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-47(2232.441mil,4460.315mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-46(2232.441mil,4440.63mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-43(2232.441mil,4381.575mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-44(2232.441mil,4401.26mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-39(2232.441mil,4302.835mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-40(2232.441mil,4322.52mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-41(2232.441mil,4342.205mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-40(2232.441mil,4322.52mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-37(2232.441mil,4263.465mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-38(2232.441mil,4283.15mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-39(2232.441mil,4302.835mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-38(2232.441mil,4283.15mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-4(1760mil,4420.945mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-3(1760mil,4440.63mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-28(2065.118mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-29(2084.803mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-26(2025.748mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-27(2045.433mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-28(2065.118mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-27(2045.433mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-24(1986.378mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-25(2006.063mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-26(2025.748mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-25(2006.063mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-23(1966.693mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-22(1947.008mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-19(1887.953mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-20(1907.638mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-15(1760mil,4204.409mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-14(1760mil,4224.095mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-58(1966.693mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-59(1947.008mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-10(1760mil,4302.835mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-9(1760mil,4322.52mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-50(2124.173mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-49(2143.858mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-48(2232.441mil,4480mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-47(2232.441mil,4460.315mil) TopLayer
Violation between Track (1726.429mil,4184.724mil)(1760mil,4184.724mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-15(1760mil,4204.409mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-16(1760mil,4184.724mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-15(1760mil,4204.409mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-18(1868.268mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-17(1848.583mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-19(1887.953mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-18(1868.268mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-51(2104.488mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-50(2124.173mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-52(2084.803mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-51(2104.488mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-53(2065.118mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-52(2084.803mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-57(1986.378mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-56(2006.063mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-58(1966.693mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-57(1986.378mil,4568.583mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U2-24(1986.378mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer and
Pad U2-23(1966.693mil,4096.142mil) TopLayer
Violation between Pad U4-2(1160mil,6060.315mil) TopLayer and
Pad U4-1(1160mil,6080mil) TopLayer
Rule Violations :61
Processing Rule : Clearance Constraint (Gap=10mil) (On the board ),(On the board )
Processing Rule : Clearance Constraint (Gap=10mil) (On the board ),(On the board )
Processing Rule : Width Constraint (Min=10mil) (Max=10mil) (Prefered=10mil) (On the board )
Rule Violations :0
Processing Rule : Clearance Constraint (Gap=0mil) (On the board ),(On the board )
Rule Violations :0
Processing Rule : Broken-Net Constraint ( (On the board ) )
Violation Net GND is broken into 28 sub-nets. Routed To 22.86%
Subnet : J2-5 C8-2 U3-11 U3-15
Subnet : U1-4
Subnet : U1-3
Subnet : U1-2
Subnet : U1-1
Subnet : RV1-2
Subnet : U1-7
Subnet : J1-1
Subnet : U4-5 U4-4 U4-33 U4-10 U4-1 U4-18
Subnet : C10-1
Subnet : U5-2
Subnet : C22-2
Subnet : U5-3
Subnet : R12-1
Subnet : C23-2
Subnet : U2-63
Subnet : U5-2
Subnet : JP1-9
Subnet : C2-2
Subnet : C1-1
Subnet : U2-62
Subnet : C3-1
Subnet : C4-1
Subnet : J1-20
Subnet : C12-1
Subnet : C11-2
Subnet : C18-2
Subnet : C17-2
Violation Net 3.3V is broken into 24 sub-nets. Routed To 11.54%
Subnet : R5-2 R6-2
Subnet : C6-2 U3-16
Subnet : R1-2
Subnet : U1-8
1\ Width Constraint (Min=10mil) (Max=10mil) (Prefered=10mil) (On the board ) 违反走线宽度规则
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