在使用API进行开发的时候,需要包含头文件#include <mqueue.h>
mqd_t mq_open(const char *mqName, int oflags, ...)
int mq_close(mqd_t mqdes)
int mq_unlink(const char *mqName)
int mq_send(mqd_t mqdes, const void *msg, size_t msglen, int prio)
int mq_timedsend(mqd_t mqdes, const char *msg, size_t msglen, int prio, const struct timespec *abstime);
ssize_t mq_receive(mqd_t mqdes, void *msg, size_t msglen, int *prio);
ssize_t mq_timedreceive(mqd_t mqdes, void *msg, size_t msglen, int *prio, const struct timespec *abstime);
int mq_notify(mqd_t mqdes, const struct sigevent *notification);
int mq_setattr(mqd_t mqdes, const struct mq_attr *mqStat, struct mq_attr *oldMqStat);
int mq_getattr(mqd_t mqdes, struct mq_attr *mqStat);
enum mqalloc_e { MQ_ALLOC_FIXED = 0, /* pre-allocated; never freed */ MQ_ALLOC_DYN, /* dynamically allocated; free when unused */ MQ_ALLOC_IRQ /* Preallocated, reserved for interrupt handling */};/* This structure describes one buffered POSIX message. */struct mqueue_msg_s{ FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *next; /* Forward link to next message */ uint8_t type; /* (Used to manage allocations) */ uint8_t priority; /* priority of message */#if MQ_MAX_BYTES < 256 uint8_t msglen; /* Message data length */#else uint16_t msglen; /* Message data length */#endif char mail[MQ_MAX_BYTES]; /* Message data */};
/* This structure defines a message queue */struct mq_des; /* forward reference */struct mqueue_inode_s{ FAR struct inode *inode; /* Containing inode */ sq_queue_t msglist; /* Prioritized message list */ int16_t maxmsgs; /* Maximum number of messages in the queue */ int16_t nmsgs; /* Number of message in the queue */ int16_t nwaitnotfull; /* Number tasks waiting for not full */ int16_t nwaitnotempty; /* Number tasks waiting for not empty */#if CONFIG_MQ_MAXMSGSIZE < 256 uint8_t maxmsgsize; /* Max size of message in message queue */#else uint16_t maxmsgsize; /* Max size of message in message queue */#endif#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS FAR struct mq_des *ntmqdes; /* Notification: Owning mqdes (NULL if none) */ pid_t ntpid; /* Notification: Receiving Task's PID */ struct sigevent ntevent; /* Notification description */#endif};/* This describes the message queue descriptor that is held in the * task's TCB */struct mq_des{ FAR struct mq_des *flink; /* Forward link to next message descriptor */ FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; /* Pointer to associated message queue */ int oflags; /* Flags set when message queue was opened */};
其中struct mq_des结构用于描述在一个Task中的消息队列,保存在struct task_group_s结构中,该成员结构为sq_queue_t队列,是因为线程组可以拥有多个消息队列,可以用一个队列来存储这些消息队列描述符。如下:
struct task_group_s{...#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE /* POSIX Named Message Queue Fields *******************************************/ sq_queue_t tg_msgdesq; /* List of opened message queues */#endif... }
/* The g_msgfree is a list of messages that are available for general use. * The number of messages in this list is a system configuration item. */EXTERN sq_queue_t g_msgfree;/* The g_msgfreeInt is a list of messages that are reserved for use by * interrupt handlers. */EXTERN sq_queue_t g_msgfreeirq;/* The g_desfree data structure is a list of message descriptors available * to the operating system for general use. The number of messages in the * pool is a constant. */EXTERN sq_queue_t g_desfree;

我们知道,每一个struct tcb_s结构体中,都保存了group->tg_msgdesq成员,用于存放打开的不同消息队列。当一个任务调用mq_open接口来打开一个消息队列时(假设此时消息队列不存在,需要新建),首先会从g_desfree这个全局队列中,获取一个消息队列描述符,并且会创建一个struct mqueue_inode_s消息队列,将创建的消息队列和消息队列描述符绑定在一起,并且添加到任务的结构体中,这样,每个任务就知道本身所创建的消息队列了。由于消息队列需要创建设备节点,因此在mq_open这个函数中,还需要添加创建inode相关的接口,用于文件系统相关操作,比如,如果该消息队列存在,也就是inode存在,那就不需要再额外创建了。
消息的发送与接收过程也比较简单,图中的struct mqueue_msg_s就相当于一个集装箱,实际的数据传递都会用这个集装箱进行搬运。因此,在发送的时候,如果不在中断上下文中,则从g_msgfree中申请一个节点,把需要发送的数据拷贝至该节点,并将该节点添加到消息队列中。接收的过程,则是从消息队列中拿出节点,使用完消息数据后,将该节点再返回给g_msgfree队列中。在中断上下文中,也同样的道理。,当然在这个过程中,涉及到阻塞睡眠的问题,以及队列信号通知的情况,下边会继续深入。
如果消息队列不存在,除了创建inode之外,还需要调用mq_descreate()接口创建消息队列描述符,mq_descreate()接口中调用mq_desalloc(),从全局队列中挪取描述符节点,并加入到struct tcb_s结构中,这个在上图中也能看出来。
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_open * * Description: * This function establish a connection between a named message queue and * the calling task. After a successful call of mq_open(), the task can * reference the message queue using the address returned by the call. The * message queue remains usable until it is closed by a successful call to * mq_close(). * * Parameters: * mq_name - Name of the queue to open * oflags - open flags * Optional parameters. When the O_CREAT flag is specified, two optional * parameters are expected: * * 1. mode_t mode (ignored), and * 2. struct mq_attr *attr. The mq_maxmsg attribute * is used at the time that the message queue is * created to determine the maximum number of * messages that may be placed in the message queue. * * Return Value: * A message queue descriptor or (mqd_t)-1 (ERROR) * * Assumptions: * ****************************************************************************/mqd_t mq_open(FAR const char *mq_name, int oflags, ...) { ... sched_lock(); /* Get the inode for this mqueue. This should succeed if the message * queue has already been created. In this case, inode_find() will * have incremented the reference count on the inode. */ SETUP_SEARCH(&desc, fullpath, false); ret = inode_find(&desc); if (ret >= 0) { /* Something exists at this path. Get the search results */ inode = desc.node; DEBUGASSERT(inode != NULL); /* Verify that the inode is a message queue */ if (!INODE_IS_MQUEUE(inode)) { errcode = ENXIO; goto errout_with_inode; } /* It exists and is a message queue. Check if the caller wanted to * create a new mqueue with this name. */ if ((oflags & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) { errcode = EEXIST; goto errout_with_inode; } /* Create a message queue descriptor for the current thread */ msgq = inode->u.i_mqueue; mqdes = mq_descreate(NULL, msgq, oflags); if (!mqdes) { errcode = ENOMEM; goto errout_with_inode; } } else { /* The mqueue does not exists. Were we asked to create it? */ if ((oflags & O_CREAT) == 0) { /* The mqueue does not exist and O_CREAT is not set */ errcode = ENOENT; goto errout_with_lock; } /* Create the mqueue. First we have to extract the additional * parameters from the variable argument list. */ va_start(ap, oflags); mode = va_arg(ap, mode_t); attr = va_arg(ap, FAR struct mq_attr *); va_end(ap); /* Create an inode in the pseudo-filesystem at this path */ inode_semtake(); ret = inode_reserve(fullpath, &inode); inode_semgive(); if (ret < 0) { errcode = -ret; goto errout_with_lock; } /* Allocate memory for the new message queue. The new inode will * be created with a reference count of zero. */ msgq = (FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *)mq_msgqalloc(mode, attr); if (!msgq) { errcode = ENOSPC; goto errout_with_inode; } /* Create a message queue descriptor for the TCB */ mqdes = mq_descreate(NULL, msgq, oflags); if (!mqdes) { errcode = ENOMEM; goto errout_with_msgq; } /* Bind the message queue and the inode structure */ INODE_SET_MQUEUE(inode); inode->u.i_mqueue = msgq; msgq->inode = inode; /* Set the initial reference count on this inode to one */ inode->i_crefs = 1; } RELEASE_SEARCH(&desc); sched_unlock(); ... }
罗列一下struct inode的定义吧:
/* Named OS resources are also maintained by the VFS. This includes: * * - Named semaphores: sem_open(), sem_close(), and sem_unlink() * - POSIX Message Queues: mq_open() and mq_close() * - Shared memory: shm_open() and shm_unlink(); * * These are a special case in that they do not follow quite the same * pattern as the other file system types in that they have operations. *//* These are the various kinds of operations that can be associated with * an inode. */union inode_ops_u { FAR const struct file_operations *i_ops; /* Driver operations for inode */#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MOUNTPOINT FAR const struct block_operations *i_bops; /* Block driver operations */ FAR const struct mountpt_operations *i_mops; /* Operations on a mountpoint */#endif#ifdef CONFIG_FS_NAMED_SEMAPHORES FAR struct nsem_inode_s *i_nsem; /* Named semaphore */#endif#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *i_mqueue; /* POSIX message queue */#endif#ifdef CONFIG_PSEUDOFS_SOFTLINKS FAR char *i_link; /* Full path to link target */#endif};/* This structure represents one inode in the Nuttx pseudo-file system */struct inode{ FAR struct inode *i_peer; /* Link to same level inode */ FAR struct inode *i_child; /* Link to lower level inode */ int16_t i_crefs; /* References to inode */ uint16_t i_flags; /* Flags for inode */ union inode_ops_u u; /* Inode operations */#ifdef CONFIG_FILE_MODE mode_t i_mode; /* Access mode flags */#endif FAR void *i_private; /* Per inode driver private data */ char i_name[1]; /* Name of inode (variable) */};
mq_waitsend()函数会被mq_send()/mq_timesend()调用,如果消息队列已经满了的话,这个函数会进行阻塞等待,在本函数中会去判断O_NONBLOCK标志是否被置上了。函数阻塞,也就是将自身让出CPU,并且调度其他Task运行,mq_wairtsend()是通过调用up_block_task(struct tcb_s *tcb, tstate_t task_state)接口实现,该接口会将tcb从任务队列中移除,并添加到task_state对应的队列中。
mq_dosend()完成真正的消息发送,在该函数中,会将用户的消息内容拷贝至struct mqueue_msg_s描述的集装箱中,然后再把消息按优先级的顺序插入到消息队列中。此外,还会调用sig_mqnotempty()/sig_notification()接口发送队列非空的信号。最后,查询g_waitingformqnotempty队列,是否有任务在等待这个队列变成非空,如果有的话,就将该任务unblock掉。
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_send * * Description: * This function adds the specified message (msg) to the message queue * (mqdes). The "msglen" parameter specifies the length of the message * in bytes pointed to by "msg." This length must not exceed the maximum * message length from the mq_getattr(). * * If the message queue is not full, mq_send() place the message in the * message queue at the position indicated by the "prio" argument. * Messages with higher priority will be inserted before lower priority * messages. The value of "prio" must not exceed MQ_PRIO_MAX. * * If the specified message queue is full and O_NONBLOCK is not set in the * message queue, then mq_send() will block until space becomes available * to the queue the message. * * If the message queue is full and O_NONBLOCK is set, the message is not * queued and ERROR is returned. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor * msg - Message to send * msglen - The length of the message in bytes * prio - The priority of the message * * Return Value: * On success, mq_send() returns 0 (OK); on error, -1 (ERROR) * is returned, with errno set to indicate the error: * * EAGAIN The queue was full and the O_NONBLOCK flag was set for the * message queue description referred to by mqdes. * EINVAL Either msg or mqdes is NULL or the value of prio is invalid. * EPERM Message queue opened not opened for writing. * EMSGSIZE 'msglen' was greater than the maxmsgsize attribute of the * message queue. * EINTR The call was interrupted by a signal handler. * * Assumptions/restrictions: * ****************************************************************************/int mq_send(mqd_t mqdes, FAR const char *msg, size_t msglen, int prio){ ... /* mq_send() is a cancellation point */ (void)enter_cancellation_point(); /* Verify the input parameters -- setting errno appropriately * on any failures to verify. */ if (mq_verifysend(mqdes, msg, msglen, prio) != OK) { leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Get a pointer to the message queue */ sched_lock(); msgq = mqdes->msgq; /* Allocate a message structure: * - Immediately if we are called from an interrupt handler. * - Immediately if the message queue is not full, or * - After successfully waiting for the message queue to become * non-FULL. This would fail with EAGAIN, EINTR, or ETIMEOUT. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); if (up_interrupt_context() || /* In an interrupt handler */ msgq->nmsgs < msgq->maxmsgs || /* OR Message queue not full */ mq_waitsend(mqdes) == OK) /* OR Successfully waited for mq not full */ { /* Allocate the message */ leave_critical_section(flags); mqmsg = mq_msgalloc(); /* Check if the message was sucessfully allocated */ if (mqmsg == NULL) { /* No... mq_msgalloc() does not set the errno value */ set_errno(ENOMEM); } } else { /* We cannot send the message (and didn't even try to allocate it) * because: * - We are not in an interrupt handler AND * - The message queue is full AND * - When we tried waiting, the wait was unsuccessful. * * In this case mq_waitsend() has already set the errno value. */ leave_critical_section(flags); } /* Check if we were able to get a message structure -- this can fail * either because we cannot send the message (and didn't bother trying * to allocate it) or because the allocation failed. */ if (mqmsg != NULL) { /* The allocation was successful (implying that we can also send the * message). Perform the message send. * * NOTE: There is a race condition here: What if a message is added by * interrupt related logic so that queue again becomes non-empty. * That is handled because mq_dosend() will permit the maxmsgs limit * to be exceeded in that case. */ ret = mq_dosend(mqdes, mqmsg, msg, msglen, prio); } ... }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_waitsend * * Description: * This is internal, common logic shared by both mq_send and mq_timesend. * This function waits until the message queue is not full. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor * * Return Value: * On success, mq_send() returns 0 (OK); on error, -1 (ERROR) is * returned, with errno set to indicate the error: * * EAGAIN The queue was full and the O_NONBLOCK flag was set for the * message queue description referred to by mqdes. * EINTR The call was interrupted by a signal handler. * ETIMEOUT A timeout expired before the message queue became non-full * (mq_timedsend only). * * Assumptions/restrictions: * - The caller has verified the input parameters using mq_verifysend(). * - Executes within a critical section established by the caller. * ****************************************************************************/int mq_waitsend(mqd_t mqdes){ FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb; FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; /* mq_waitsend() is not a cancellation point, but it is always called from * a cancellation point. */ if (enter_cancellation_point()) {#ifdef CONFIG_CANCELLATION_POINTS /* If there is a pending cancellation, then do not perform * the wait. Exit now with ECANCELED. */ set_errno(ECANCELED); leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR;#endif } /* Get a pointer to the message queue */ msgq = mqdes->msgq; /* Verify that the queue is indeed full as the caller thinks */ if (msgq->nmsgs >= msgq->maxmsgs) { /* Should we block until there is sufficient space in the * message queue? */ if ((mqdes->oflags & O_NONBLOCK) != 0) { /* No... We will return an error to the caller. */ set_errno(EAGAIN); leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Yes... We will not return control until the message queue is * available or we receive a signal or at timout occurs. */ else { /* Loop until there are fewer than max allowable messages in the * receiving message queue */ while (msgq->nmsgs >= msgq->maxmsgs) { /* Block until the message queue is no longer full. * When we are unblocked, we will try again */ rtcb = this_task(); rtcb->msgwaitq = msgq; msgq->nwaitnotfull++; set_errno(OK); up_block_task(rtcb, TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTFULL); /* When we resume at this point, either (1) the message queue * is no longer empty, or (2) the wait has been interrupted by * a signal. We can detect the latter case be examining the * errno value (should be EINTR or ETIMEOUT). */ if (get_errno() != OK) { leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } } } } leave_cancellation_point(); return OK; }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_dosend * * Description: * This is internal, common logic shared by both mq_send and mq_timesend. * This function adds the specified message (msg) to the message queue * (mqdes). Then it notifies any tasks that were waiting for message * queue notifications setup by mq_notify. And, finally, it awakens any * tasks that were waiting for the message not empty event. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor * msg - Message to send * msglen - The length of the message in bytes * prio - The priority of the message * * Return Value: * This function always returns OK. * * Assumptions/restrictions: * ****************************************************************************/int mq_dosend(mqd_t mqdes, FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *mqmsg, FAR const char *msg, size_t msglen, int prio){ FAR struct tcb_s *btcb; FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *next; FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *prev; irqstate_t flags; /* Get a pointer to the message queue */ sched_lock(); msgq = mqdes->msgq; /* Construct the message header info */ mqmsg->priority = prio; mqmsg->msglen = msglen; /* Copy the message data into the message */ memcpy((FAR void *)mqmsg->mail, (FAR const void *)msg, msglen); /* Insert the new message in the message queue */ flags = enter_critical_section(); /* Search the message list to find the location to insert the new * message. Each is list is maintained in ascending priority order. */ for (prev = NULL, next = (FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *)msgq->msglist.head; next && prio <= next->priority; prev = next, next = next->next); /* Add the message at the right place */ if (prev) { sq_addafter((FAR sq_entry_t *)prev, (FAR sq_entry_t *)mqmsg, &msgq->msglist); } else { sq_addfirst((FAR sq_entry_t *)mqmsg, &msgq->msglist); } /* Increment the count of messages in the queue */ msgq->nmsgs++; leave_critical_section(flags); /* Check if we need to notify any tasks that are attached to the * message queue */#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS if (msgq->ntmqdes) { struct sigevent event; pid_t pid; /* Remove the message notification data from the message queue. */ memcpy(&event, &msgq->ntevent, sizeof(struct sigevent)); pid = msgq->ntpid; /* Detach the notification */ memset(&msgq->ntevent, 0, sizeof(struct sigevent)); msgq->ntpid = INVALID_PROCESS_ID; msgq->ntmqdes = NULL; /* Notification the client via signal? */ if (event.sigev_notify == SIGEV_SIGNAL) { /* Yes... Queue the signal -- What if this returns an error? */#ifdef CONFIG_CAN_PASS_STRUCTS DEBUGVERIFY(sig_mqnotempty(pid, event.sigev_signo, event.sigev_value));#else DEBUGVERIFY(sig_mqnotempty(pid, event.sigev_signo, event.sigev_value.sival_ptr));#endif }#ifdef CONFIG_SIG_EVTHREAD /* Notify the client via a function call */ else if (event.sigev_notify == SIGEV_THREAD) { DEBUGVERIFY(sig_notification(pid, &event)); }#endif }#endif /* Check if any tasks are waiting for the MQ not empty event. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); if (msgq->nwaitnotempty > 0) { /* Find the highest priority task that is waiting for * this queue to be non-empty in g_waitingformqnotempty * list. sched_lock() should give us sufficent protection since * interrupts should never cause a change in this list */ for (btcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_waitingformqnotempty.head; btcb && btcb->msgwaitq != msgq; btcb = btcb->flink); /* If one was found, unblock it */ ASSERT(btcb); btcb->msgwaitq = NULL; msgq->nwaitnotempty--; up_unblock_task(btcb); } leave_critical_section(flags); sched_unlock(); return OK; }
在do_mqreceive()接口中,将``struct mqueue_msg_s中的内容拷贝至用户提供的ubuffer地址中。调用mq_msgree()释放struct mqueue_msg_s内容,也就是返回g_msgfree全局队列中。查询g_waitingformqnotfull队列中的任务,是否有任务在等待该队列变成非满,如果有的话,则调用up_unblock_task()把该任务unblock`。
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_receive * * Description: * This function receives the oldest of the highest priority messages * from the message queue specified by "mqdes." If the size of the * buffer in bytes (msglen) is less than the "mq_msgsize" attribute of * the message queue, mq_receive will return an error. Otherwise, the * selected message is removed from the queue and copied to "msg." * * If the message queue is empty and O_NONBLOCK was not set, * mq_receive() will block until a message is added to the message * queue. If more than one task is waiting to receive a message, only * the task with the highest priority that has waited the longest will * be unblocked. * * If the queue is empty and O_NONBLOCK is set, ERROR will be returned. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message Queue Descriptor * msg - Buffer to receive the message * msglen - Size of the buffer in bytes * prio - If not NULL, the location to store message priority. * * Return Value: * One success, the length of the selected message in bytes is returned. * On failure, -1 (ERROR) is returned and the errno is set appropriately: * * EAGAIN The queue was empty, and the O_NONBLOCK flag was set * for the message queue description referred to by 'mqdes'. * EPERM Message queue opened not opened for reading. * EMSGSIZE 'msglen' was less than the maxmsgsize attribute of the * message queue. * EINTR The call was interrupted by a signal handler. * EINVAL Invalid 'msg' or 'mqdes' * * Assumptions: * ****************************************************************************/ssize_t mq_receive(mqd_t mqdes, FAR char *msg, size_t msglen, FAR int *prio) { FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *mqmsg; irqstate_t flags; ssize_t ret = ERROR; DEBUGASSERT(up_interrupt_context() == false); /* mq_receive() is a cancellation point */ (void)enter_cancellation_point(); /* Verify the input parameters and, in case of an error, set * errno appropriately. */ if (mq_verifyreceive(mqdes, msg, msglen) != OK) { leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Get the next message from the message queue. We will disable * pre-emption until we have completed the message received. This * is not too bad because if the receipt takes a long time, it will * be because we are blocked waiting for a message and pre-emption * will be re-enabled while we are blocked */ sched_lock(); /* Furthermore, mq_waitreceive() expects to have interrupts disabled * because messages can be sent from interrupt level. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); /* Get the message from the message queue */ mqmsg = mq_waitreceive(mqdes); leave_critical_section(flags); /* Check if we got a message from the message queue. We might * not have a message if: * * - The message queue is empty and O_NONBLOCK is set in the mqdes * - The wait was interrupted by a signal */ if (mqmsg) { ret = mq_doreceive(mqdes, mqmsg, msg, prio); } sched_unlock(); leave_cancellation_point(); return ret; }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_waitreceive * * Description: * This is internal, common logic shared by both mq_receive and * mq_timedreceive. This function waits for a message to be received on * the specified message queue, removes the message from the queue, and * returns it. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor * * Return Value: * On success, a reference to the received message. If the wait was * interrupted by a signal or a timeout, then the errno will be set * appropriately and NULL will be returned. * * Assumptions: * - The caller has provided all validity checking of the input parameters * using mq_verifyreceive. * - Interrupts should be disabled throughout this call. This is necessary * because messages can be sent from interrupt level processing. * - For mq_timedreceive, setting of the timer and this wait must be atomic. * ****************************************************************************/FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *mq_waitreceive(mqd_t mqdes){ FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb; FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *rcvmsg; /* mq_waitreceive() is not a cancellation point, but it is always called * from a cancellation point. */ if (enter_cancellation_point()) {#ifdef CONFIG_CANCELLATION_POINTS /* If there is a pending cancellation, then do not perform * the wait. Exit now with ECANCELED. */ set_errno(ECANCELED); leave_cancellation_point(); return NULL;#endif } /* Get a pointer to the message queue */ msgq = mqdes->msgq; /* Get the message from the head of the queue */ while ((rcvmsg = (FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *)sq_remfirst(&msgq->msglist)) == NULL) { /* The queue is empty! Should we block until there the above condition * has been satisfied? */ if ((mqdes->oflags & O_NONBLOCK) == 0) { /* Yes.. Block and try again */ rtcb = this_task(); rtcb->msgwaitq = msgq; msgq->nwaitnotempty++; set_errno(OK); up_block_task(rtcb, TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTEMPTY); /* When we resume at this point, either (1) the message queue * is no longer empty, or (2) the wait has been interrupted by * a signal. We can detect the latter case be examining the * errno value (should be either EINTR or ETIMEDOUT). */ if (get_errno() != OK) { break; } } else { /* The queue was empty, and the O_NONBLOCK flag was set for the * message queue description referred to by 'mqdes'. */ set_errno(EAGAIN); break; } } /* If we got message, then decrement the number of messages in * the queue while we are still in the critical section */ if (rcvmsg) { msgq->nmsgs--; } leave_cancellation_point(); return rcvmsg; }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_doreceive * * Description: * This is internal, common logic shared by both mq_receive and * mq_timedreceive. This function accepts the message obtained by * mq_waitmsg, provides the message content to the user, notifies any * threads that were waiting for the message queue to become non-full, * and disposes of the message structure * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor * mqmsg - The message obtained by mq_waitmsg() * ubuffer - The address of the user provided buffer to receive the message * prio - The user-provided location to return the message priority. * * Return Value: * Returns the length of the received message. This function does not fail. * * Assumptions: * - The caller has provided all validity checking of the input parameters * using mq_verifyreceive. * - The user buffer, ubuffer, is known to be large enough to accept the * largest message that an be sent on this message queue * - Pre-emption should be disabled throughout this call. * ****************************************************************************/ssize_t mq_doreceive(mqd_t mqdes, FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *mqmsg, FAR char *ubuffer, int *prio) { FAR struct tcb_s *btcb; irqstate_t flags; FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; ssize_t rcvmsglen; /* Get the length of the message (also the return value) */ rcvmsglen = mqmsg->msglen; /* Copy the message into the caller's buffer */ memcpy(ubuffer, (FAR const void *)mqmsg->mail, rcvmsglen); /* Copy the message priority as well (if a buffer is provided) */ if (prio) { *prio = mqmsg->priority; } /* We are done with the message. Deallocate it now. */ mq_msgfree(mqmsg); /* Check if any tasks are waiting for the MQ not full event. */ msgq = mqdes->msgq; if (msgq->nwaitnotfull > 0) { /* Find the highest priority task that is waiting for * this queue to be not-full in g_waitingformqnotfull list. * This must be performed in a critical section because * messages can be sent from interrupt handlers. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); for (btcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)g_waitingformqnotfull.head; btcb && btcb->msgwaitq != msgq; btcb = btcb->flink); /* If one was found, unblock it. NOTE: There is a race * condition here: the queue might be full again by the * time the task is unblocked */ ASSERT(btcb); btcb->msgwaitq = NULL; msgq->nwaitnotfull--; up_unblock_task(btcb); leave_critical_section(flags); } /* Return the length of the message transferred to the user buffer */ return rcvmsglen; }
调用mq_desclose_group()接口来从调用任务对应的struct tcb_s结构中移除消息队列描述符,并调用mq_desfree()来释放消息队列描述符,也就是将其添加回g_desfree 全局队列中。
调用mq_inode_release()接口来将inode资源释放,在该函数中会判断inode->i_crefs和inode->i_flags两个成员,如果引用值变成了0或者状态值变成了FSNODEFLAG_DELETED,则将消息队列释放,并且最终将inode释放。消息队列释放的过程中,会把队列中剩余的未被读走的消息全部都释放掉。之前我曾经怀疑这个地方是否会存在内存泄漏,看来还是我的认知浅薄了。FSNODEFLAG_DELETED状态会在mq_unlink()接口中进行设置,mq_unlink(FAR const char *mq_name)会将mq_name对应的消息队列移除,如果有多个Task打开该消息队列的话,这个移除工作就会推迟到引用值为0.
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_close * * Description: * This function is used to indicate that the calling task is finished * with the specified message queue mqdes. The mq_close() deallocates * any system resources allocated by the system for use by this task for * its message queue. * * If the calling task has attached a notification to the message queue * via this mqdes, this attachment will be removed and the message queue * is available for another process to attach a notification. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor. * * Return Value: * 0 (OK) if the message queue is closed successfully, * otherwise, -1 (ERROR). * * Assumptions: * - The behavior of a task that is blocked on either a mq_send() or * mq_receive() is undefined when mq_close() is called. * - The results of using this message queue descriptor after a successful * return from mq_close() is undefined. * ****************************************************************************/int mq_close(mqd_t mqdes){ FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)sched_self(); int ret; /* Lock the scheduler to prevent any asynchrounous task delete operation * (unlikely). */ sched_lock(); rtcb = (FAR struct tcb_s *)sched_self(); DEBUGASSERT(mqdes != NULL && rtcb != NULL && rtcb->group != NULL); ret = mq_close_group(mqdes, rtcb->group); sched_unlock(); return ret; }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_close_group * * Description: * This function is used to indicate that all threads in the group are * finished with the specified message queue mqdes. The mq_close_group() * deallocates any system resources allocated by the system for use by * this task for its message queue. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor. * group - Group that has the open descriptor. * * Return Value: * 0 (OK) if the message queue is closed successfully, * otherwise, -1 (ERROR). * ****************************************************************************/int mq_close_group(mqd_t mqdes, FAR struct task_group_s *group){ FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; FAR struct inode *inode; DEBUGASSERT(mqdes != NULL && group != NULL); /* Verify the inputs */ if (mqdes) { sched_lock(); /* Find the message queue associated with the message descriptor */ msgq = mqdes->msgq; DEBUGASSERT(msgq && msgq->inode); /* Close/free the message descriptor */ mq_desclose_group(mqdes, group); /* Get the inode from the message queue structure */ inode = msgq->inode; DEBUGASSERT(inode->u.i_mqueue == msgq); /* Decrement the reference count on the inode, possibly freeing it */ mq_inode_release(inode); sched_unlock(); } return OK; }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_inode_release * * Description: * Release a reference count on a message queue inode. * * Parameters: * inode - The message queue inode * * Return Value: * None * ****************************************************************************/void mq_inode_release(FAR struct inode *inode) { /* Decrement the reference count on the inode */ inode_semtake(); if (inode->i_crefs > 0) { inode->i_crefs--; } /* If the message queue was previously unlinked and the reference count * has decremented to zero, then release the message queue and delete * the inode now. */ if (inode->i_crefs <= 0 && (inode->i_flags & FSNODEFLAG_DELETED) != 0) { FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq = inode->u.i_mqueue; DEBUGASSERT(msgq); /* Free the message queue (and any messages left in it) */ mq_msgqfree(msgq); inode->u.i_mqueue = NULL; /* Release and free the inode container. If it has been properly * unlinked, then the peer pointer should be NULL. */ inode_semgive(); DEBUGASSERT(inode->i_peer == NULL); inode_free(inode); return; } inode_semgive(); }
在Nuttx中,看门狗以linked list全局队列的形式来维护,创建一个看门狗后,会添加进全局队列中,然后会在Timer中断处理中去调用wd_timer()接口,以判断看门狗的时间是否到期,如果到期了就去执行注册进看门狗中的回调函数。
mq_rcvtimeout()/mq_sndtimeout()接口就是用来被注册到看门狗的回调函数。当设定的时间到期了后,在中断上下文中回调这两个函数,而这两个函数都会调用到mq_waitirq(),在mq_waitirq()接口中,会去清空struct tcb_s结构中的msgwaitq队列,并将该消息队列中等待的数值减1,并设置错误状态,然后恢复该任务的执行。(Task在调用mq_timedsend()/mq_timedreceive()时,在时间未到期时会先睡眠等待,当时间到期后,在看门狗的回调函数中去恢复该任务继续执行)
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_timedsend * * Description: * This function adds the specificied message (msg) to the message queue * (mqdes). The "msglen" parameter specifies the length of the message * in bytes pointed to by "msg." This length must not exceed the maximum * message length from the mq_getattr(). * * If the message queue is not full, mq_timedsend() place the message in the * message queue at the position indicated by the "prio" argrument. * Messages with higher priority will be inserted before lower priority * messages. The value of "prio" must not exceed MQ_PRIO_MAX. * * If the specified message queue is full and O_NONBLOCK is not set in the * message queue, then mq_timedsend() will block until space becomes available * to the queue the message or a timeout occurs. * * mq_timedsend() behaves just like mq_send(), except that if the queue * is full and the O_NONBLOCK flag is not enabled for the message queue * description, then abstime points to a structure which specifies a * ceiling on the time for which the call will block. This ceiling is an * absolute timeout in seconds and nanoseconds since the Epoch (midnight * on the morning of 1 January 1970). * * If the message queue is full, and the timeout has already expired by * the time of the call, mq_timedsend() returns immediately. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message queue descriptor * msg - Message to send * msglen - The length of the message in bytes * prio - The priority of the message * abstime - the absolute time to wait until a timeout is decleared * * Return Value: * On success, mq_send() returns 0 (OK); on error, -1 (ERROR) * is returned, with errno set to indicate the error: * * EAGAIN The queue was empty, and the O_NONBLOCK flag was set for the * message queue description referred to by mqdes. * EINVAL Either msg or mqdes is NULL or the value of prio is invalid. * EPERM Message queue opened not opened for writing. * EMSGSIZE 'msglen' was greater than the maxmsgsize attribute of the * message queue. * EINTR The call was interrupted by a signal handler. * * Assumptions/restrictions: * ****************************************************************************/int mq_timedsend(mqd_t mqdes, FAR const char *msg, size_t msglen, int prio, FAR const struct timespec *abstime){ FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = this_task(); FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *mqmsg = NULL; irqstate_t flags; int ticks; int result; int ret = ERROR; DEBUGASSERT(up_interrupt_context() == false && rtcb->waitdog == NULL); /* mq_timedsend() is a cancellation point */ (void)enter_cancellation_point(); /* Verify the input parameters -- setting errno appropriately * on any failures to verify. */ if (mq_verifysend(mqdes, msg, msglen, prio) != OK) { /* mq_verifysend() will set the errno appropriately */ leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Pre-allocate a message structure */ mqmsg = mq_msgalloc(); if (mqmsg == NULL) { /* Failed to allocate the message. mq_msgalloc() does not set the * errno value. */ set_errno(ENOMEM); leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Get a pointer to the message queue */ sched_lock(); msgq = mqdes->msgq; /* OpenGroup.org: "Under no circumstance shall the operation fail with a * timeout if there is sufficient room in the queue to add the message * immediately. The validity of the abstime parameter need not be checked * when there is sufficient room in the queue." * * Also ignore the time value if for some crazy reason we were called from * an interrupt handler. This probably really should be an assertion. * * NOTE: There is a race condition here: What if a message is added by * interrupt related logic so that queue again becomes non-empty. That * is handled because mq_dosend() will permit the maxmsgs limit to be * exceeded in that case. */ if (msgq->nmsgs < msgq->maxmsgs || up_interrupt_context()) { /* Do the send with no further checks (possibly exceeding maxmsgs) * Currently mq_dosend() always returns OK. */ ret = mq_dosend(mqdes, mqmsg, msg, msglen, prio); sched_unlock(); leave_cancellation_point(); return ret; } /* The message queue is full... We are going to wait. Now we must have a * valid time value. */ if (!abstime || abstime->tv_nsec < 0 || abstime->tv_nsec >= 1000000000) { result = EINVAL; goto errout_with_mqmsg; } /* Create a watchdog. We will not actually need this watchdog * unless the queue is full, but we will reserve it up front * before we enter the following critical section. */ rtcb->waitdog = wd_create(); if (!rtcb->waitdog) { result = EINVAL; goto errout_with_mqmsg; } /* We are not in an interrupt handler and the message queue is full. * Set up a timed wait for the message queue to become non-full. * * Convert the timespec to clock ticks. We must have interrupts * disabled here so that this time stays valid until the wait begins. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); result = clock_abstime2ticks(CLOCK_REALTIME, abstime, &ticks); /* If the time has already expired and the message queue is empty, * return immediately. */ if (result == OK && ticks <= 0) { result = ETIMEDOUT; } /* Handle any time-related errors */ if (result != OK) { goto errout_in_critical_section; } /* Start the watchdog and begin the wait for MQ not full */ wd_start(rtcb->waitdog, ticks, (wdentry_t)mq_sndtimeout, 1, getpid()); /* And wait for the message queue to be non-empty */ ret = mq_waitsend(mqdes); /* This may return with an error and errno set to either EINTR * or ETIMEOUT. Cancel the watchdog timer in any event. */ wd_cancel(rtcb->waitdog); /* Check if mq_waitsend() failed */ if (ret < 0) { /* mq_waitsend() will set the errno, but the error exit will reset it */ result = get_errno(); goto errout_in_critical_section; } /* That is the end of the atomic operations */ leave_critical_section(flags); /* If any of the above failed, set the errno. Otherwise, there should * be space for another message in the message queue. NOW we can allocate * the message structure. * * Currently mq_dosend() always returns OK. */ ret = mq_dosend(mqdes, mqmsg, msg, msglen, prio); sched_unlock(); wd_delete(rtcb->waitdog); rtcb->waitdog = NULL; leave_cancellation_point(); return ret;/* Exit here with (1) the scheduler locked, (2) a message allocated, (3) a * wdog allocated, and (4) interrupts disabled. The error code is in * 'result' */errout_in_critical_section: leave_critical_section(flags); wd_delete(rtcb->waitdog); rtcb->waitdog = NULL;/* Exit here with (1) the scheduler locked and 2) a message allocated. The * error code is in 'result' */errout_with_mqmsg: mq_msgfree(mqmsg); sched_unlock(); set_errno(result); leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_timedreceive * * Description: * This function receives the oldest of the highest priority messages from * the message queue specified by "mqdes." If the size of the buffer in * bytes (msglen) is less than the "mq_msgsize" attribute of the message * queue, mq_timedreceive will return an error. Otherwise, the selected * message is removed from the queue and copied to "msg." * * If the message queue is empty and O_NONBLOCK was not set, * mq_timedreceive() will block until a message is added to the message * queue (or until a timeout occurs). If more than one task is waiting * to receive a message, only the task with the highest priority that has * waited the longest will be unblocked. * * mq_timedreceive() behaves just like mq_receive(), except that if the * queue is empty and the O_NONBLOCK flag is not enabled for the message * queue description, then abstime points to a structure which specifies a * ceiling on the time for which the call will block. This ceiling is an * absolute timeout in seconds and nanoseconds since the Epoch (midnight * on the morning of 1 January 1970). * * If no message is available, and the timeout has already expired by the * time of the call, mq_timedreceive() returns immediately. * * Parameters: * mqdes - Message Queue Descriptor * msg - Buffer to receive the message * msglen - Size of the buffer in bytes * prio - If not NULL, the location to store message priority. * abstime - the absolute time to wait until a timeout is declared. * * Return Value: * One success, the length of the selected message in bytes is returned. * On failure, -1 (ERROR) is returned and the errno is set appropriately: * * EAGAIN The queue was empty, and the O_NONBLOCK flag was set * for the message queue description referred to by 'mqdes'. * EPERM Message queue opened not opened for reading. * EMSGSIZE 'msglen' was less than the maxmsgsize attribute of the * message queue. * EINTR The call was interrupted by a signal handler. * EINVAL Invalid 'msg' or 'mqdes' or 'abstime' * ETIMEDOUT The call timed out before a message could be transferred. * * Assumptions: * ****************************************************************************/ssize_t mq_timedreceive(mqd_t mqdes, FAR char *msg, size_t msglen, FAR int *prio, FAR const struct timespec *abstime) { FAR struct tcb_s *rtcb = this_task(); FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *mqmsg; irqstate_t flags; int ret = ERROR; DEBUGASSERT(up_interrupt_context() == false && rtcb->waitdog == NULL); /* mq_timedreceive() is a cancellation point */ (void)enter_cancellation_point(); /* Verify the input parameters and, in case of an error, set * errno appropriately. */ if (mq_verifyreceive(mqdes, msg, msglen) != OK) { leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } if (!abstime || abstime->tv_nsec < 0 || abstime->tv_nsec >= 1000000000) { set_errno(EINVAL); leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Create a watchdog. We will not actually need this watchdog * unless the queue is not empty, but we will reserve it up front * before we enter the following critical section. */ rtcb->waitdog = wd_create(); if (!rtcb->waitdog) { set_errno(EINVAL); leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Get the next message from the message queue. We will disable * pre-emption until we have completed the message received. This * is not too bad because if the receipt takes a long time, it will * be because we are blocked waiting for a message and pre-emption * will be re-enabled while we are blocked */ sched_lock(); /* Furthermore, mq_waitreceive() expects to have interrupts disabled * because messages can be sent from interrupt level. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); /* Check if the message queue is empty. If it is NOT empty, then we * will not need to start timer. */ if (mqdes->msgq->msglist.head == NULL) { int ticks; /* Convert the timespec to clock ticks. We must have interrupts * disabled here so that this time stays valid until the wait begins. */ int result = clock_abstime2ticks(CLOCK_REALTIME, abstime, &ticks); /* If the time has already expired and the message queue is empty, * return immediately. */ if (result == OK && ticks <= 0) { result = ETIMEDOUT; } /* Handle any time-related errors */ if (result != OK) { leave_critical_section(flags); sched_unlock(); wd_delete(rtcb->waitdog); rtcb->waitdog = NULL; set_errno(result); leave_cancellation_point(); return ERROR; } /* Start the watchdog */ wd_start(rtcb->waitdog, ticks, (wdentry_t)mq_rcvtimeout, 1, getpid()); } /* Get the message from the message queue */ mqmsg = mq_waitreceive(mqdes); /* Stop the watchdog timer (this is not harmful in the case where * it was never started) */ wd_cancel(rtcb->waitdog); /* We can now restore interrupts */ leave_critical_section(flags); /* Check if we got a message from the message queue. We might * not have a message if: * * - The message queue is empty and O_NONBLOCK is set in the mqdes * - The wait was interrupted by a signal * - The watchdog timeout expired */ if (mqmsg) { ret = mq_doreceive(mqdes, mqmsg, msg, prio); } sched_unlock(); wd_delete(rtcb->waitdog); rtcb->waitdog = NULL; leave_cancellation_point(); return ret; }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_sndtimeout * * Description: * This function is called if the timeout elapses before the message queue * becomes non-full. * * Parameters: * argc - the number of arguments (should be 1) * pid - the task ID of the task to wakeup * * Return Value: * None * * Assumptions: * ****************************************************************************/static void mq_sndtimeout(int argc, wdparm_t pid){ FAR struct tcb_s *wtcb; irqstate_t flags; /* Disable interrupts. This is necessary because an interrupt handler may * attempt to send a message while we are doing this. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); /* Get the TCB associated with this pid. It is possible that task may no * longer be active when this watchdog goes off. */ wtcb = sched_gettcb((pid_t)pid); /* It is also possible that an interrupt/context switch beat us to the * punch and already changed the task's state. */ if (wtcb && wtcb->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTFULL) { /* Restart with task with a timeout error */ mq_waitirq(wtcb, ETIMEDOUT); } /* Interrupts may now be re-enabled. */ leave_critical_section(flags); }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_rcvtimeout * * Description: * This function is called if the timeout elapses before the message queue * becomes non-empty. * * Parameters: * argc - the number of arguments (should be 1) * pid - the task ID of the task to wakeup * * Return Value: * None * * Assumptions: * ****************************************************************************/static void mq_rcvtimeout(int argc, wdparm_t pid){ FAR struct tcb_s *wtcb; irqstate_t flags; /* Disable interrupts. This is necessary because an interrupt handler may * attempt to send a message while we are doing this. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); /* Get the TCB associated with this pid. It is possible that task may no * longer be active when this watchdog goes off. */ wtcb = sched_gettcb((pid_t)pid); /* It is also possible that an interrupt/context switch beat us to the * punch and already changed the task's state. */ if (wtcb && wtcb->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTEMPTY) { /* Restart with task with a timeout error */ mq_waitirq(wtcb, ETIMEDOUT); } /* Interrupts may now be re-enabled. */ leave_critical_section(flags); }
/**************************************************************************** * Name: mq_waitirq * * Description: * This function is called when a signal or a timeout is received by a * task that is waiting on a message queue -- either for a queue to * becoming not full (on mq_send) or not empty (on mq_receive). * * Parameters: * wtcb - A pointer to the TCB of the task that is waiting on a message * queue, but has received a signal instead. * * Return Value: * None * * Assumptions: * ****************************************************************************/void mq_waitirq(FAR struct tcb_s *wtcb, int errcode) { FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgq; irqstate_t flags; /* Disable interrupts. This is necessary because an interrupt handler may * attempt to send a message while we are doing this. */ flags = enter_critical_section(); /* It is possible that an interrupt/context switch beat us to the punch and * already changed the task's state. NOTE: The operations within the if * are safe because interrupts are always disabled with the msgwaitq, * nwaitnotempty, and nwaitnotfull fields are modified. */ if (wtcb->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTEMPTY || wtcb->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTFULL) { /* Get the message queue associated with the waiter from the TCB */ msgq = wtcb->msgwaitq; DEBUGASSERT(msgq); wtcb->msgwaitq = NULL; /* Decrement the count of waiters and cancel the wait */ if (wtcb->task_state == TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTEMPTY) { DEBUGASSERT(msgq->nwaitnotempty > 0); msgq->nwaitnotempty--; } else { DEBUGASSERT(msgq->nwaitnotfull > 0); msgq->nwaitnotfull--; } /* Mark the errno value for the thread. */ wtcb->pterrno = errcode; /* Restart the task. */ up_unblock_task(wtcb); } /* Interrupts may now be enabled. */ leave_critical_section(flags); }补充
sched_lock()/sched_unlock(): 这两个函数需要配对使用,用于禁止context切换,也就是禁止抢占。