就绪: 进程已分配到除CPU之外的所有必要资源,只要获取CPU便可执行;
执行: 当前进程正在CPU上运行;
阻塞: 正在执行的进程,由于等待某些资源无法执行,放弃CPU处于阻塞状态

任务描述符,在nuttx中是以struct tcb_s来定义任务
任务状态,对应进程三状态,及其他相关状态,nuttx中以enum tstate_e来定义
FAR struct wdog_s; /* Forward reference */struct tcb_s{ /* Fields used to support list management *************************************/ /* 双向链表,用于将相同状态的task连成任务队列 */ FAR struct tcb_s *flink; /* Doubly linked list */ FAR struct tcb_s *blink; /* Task Group *****************************************************************/#ifdef HAVE_TASK_GROUP FAR struct task_group_s *group; /* Pointer to shared task group data */#endif /* Task Management Fields *****************************************************/ /* 任务管理的相关字段 */ pid_t pid; /* This is the ID of the thread */ start_t start; /* Thread start function */ entry_t entry; /* Entry Point into the thread */ uint8_t sched_priority; /* Current priority of the thread */ uint8_t init_priority; /* Initial priority of the thread */#ifdef CONFIG_PRIORITY_INHERITANCE#if CONFIG_SEM_NNESTPRIO > 0 uint8_t npend_reprio; /* Number of nested reprioritizations */ uint8_t pend_reprios[CONFIG_SEM_NNESTPRIO];#endif uint8_t base_priority; /* "Normal" priority of the thread */#endif /* 进程的状态,对应后边会描述的不同进程状态 */ uint8_t task_state; /* Current state of the thread */#ifdef CONFIG_SMP uint8_t cpu; /* CPU index if running or assigned */ cpu_set_t affinity; /* Bit set of permitted CPUs */#endif uint16_t flags; /* Misc. general status flags */ int16_t lockcount; /* 0=preemptable (not-locked) */#ifdef CONFIG_SMP int16_t irqcount; /* 0=interrupts enabled */#endif#ifdef CONFIG_CANCELLATION_POINTS int16_t cpcount; /* Nested cancellation point count */#endif#if CONFIG_RR_INTERVAL > 0 || defined(CONFIG_SCHED_SPORADIC) int32_t timeslice; /* RR timeslice OR Sporadic budget */ /* interval remaining */#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_SPORADIC FAR struct sporadic_s *sporadic; /* Sporadic scheduling parameters */#endif FAR struct wdog_s *waitdog; /* All timed waits use this timer */ /* 每个task都有自己的栈区域 */ /* Stack-Related Fields *******************************************************/ size_t adj_stack_size; /* Stack size after adjustment */ /* for hardware, processor, etc. */ /* (for debug purposes only) */ FAR void *stack_alloc_ptr; /* Pointer to allocated stack */ /* Need to deallocate stack */ FAR void *adj_stack_ptr; /* Adjusted stack_alloc_ptr for HW */ /* The initial stack pointer value */ /* External Module Support ****************************************************/#ifdef CONFIG_PIC FAR struct dspace_s *dspace; /* Allocated area for .bss and .data */#endif /* POSIX Semaphore Control Fields *********************************************/ sem_t *waitsem; /* Semaphore ID waiting on */ /* POSIX Signal Control Fields ************************************************/#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS sigset_t sigprocmask; /* Signals that are blocked */ sigset_t sigwaitmask; /* Waiting for pending signals */ sq_queue_t sigpendactionq; /* List of pending signal actions */ sq_queue_t sigpostedq; /* List of posted signals */ siginfo_t sigunbinfo; /* Signal info when task unblocked */#endif /* POSIX Named Message Queue Fields *******************************************/#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE FAR struct mqueue_inode_s *msgwaitq; /* Waiting for this message queue */#endif /* Library related fields *****************************************************/ int pterrno; /* Current per-thread errno */ /* State save areas ***********************************************************/ /* The form and content of these fields are platform-specific. */ struct xcptcontext xcp; /* Interrupt register save area */#if CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE > 0 char name[CONFIG_TASK_NAME_SIZE+1]; /* Task name (with NUL terminator) */#endif};
在struct tcb_s中,有一个数据结构需要了解一下,那就是struct task_group_s,用于描述任务组的信息,其中里边包括了子任务状态、环境变量、文件描述符、Sockets等信息,这就能对应到Linux系统中的任务描述符包含的信息了。
/* struct task_group_s ***********************************************************//* All threads created by pthread_create belong in the same task group (along with * the thread of the original task). struct task_group_s is a shared structure * referenced by the TCB of each thread that is a member of the task group. * * This structure should contain *all* resources shared by tasks and threads that * belong to the same task group: * * Child exit status * Environment variables * PIC data space and address environments * File descriptors * FILE streams * Sockets * Address environments. * * Each instance of struct task_group_s is reference counted. Each instance is * created with a reference count of one. The reference incremented when each * thread joins the group and decremented when each thread exits, leaving the * group. When the reference count decrements to zero, the struct task_group_s * is free. */#ifdef HAVE_TASK_GROUP#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_PTHREADstruct join_s; /* Forward reference */ /* Defined in sched/pthread/pthread.h */#endifstruct task_group_s{#if defined(HAVE_GROUP_MEMBERS) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_ADDRENV) struct task_group_s *flink; /* Supports a singly linked list */ gid_t tg_gid; /* The ID of this task group */#endif#ifdef HAVE_GROUP_MEMBERS gid_t tg_pgid; /* The ID of the parent task group */#endif#if !defined(CONFIG_DISABLE_PTHREAD) && defined(CONFIG_SCHED_HAVE_PARENT) pid_t tg_task; /* The ID of the task within the group */#endif uint8_t tg_flags; /* See GROUP_FLAG_* definitions */ /* Group membership ***********************************************************/ uint8_t tg_nmembers; /* Number of members in the group */#ifdef HAVE_GROUP_MEMBERS uint8_t tg_mxmembers; /* Number of members in allocation */ FAR pid_t *tg_members; /* Members of the group */#endif#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_ATEXIT) && !defined(CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT) /* atexit support ************************************************************/# if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_ATEXIT_MAX) && CONFIG_SCHED_ATEXIT_MAX > 1 atexitfunc_t tg_atexitfunc[CONFIG_SCHED_ATEXIT_MAX];# else atexitfunc_t tg_atexitfunc; /* Called when exit is called. */# endif#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT /* on_exit support ***********************************************************/# if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT_MAX) && CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT_MAX > 1 onexitfunc_t tg_onexitfunc[CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT_MAX]; FAR void *tg_onexitarg[CONFIG_SCHED_ONEXIT_MAX];# else onexitfunc_t tg_onexitfunc; /* Called when exit is called. */ FAR void *tg_onexitarg; /* The argument passed to the function */# endif#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_HAVE_PARENT /* Child exit status **********************************************************/#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_CHILD_STATUS FAR struct child_status_s *tg_children; /* Head of a list of child status */#endif#ifndef HAVE_GROUP_MEMBERS /* REVISIT: What if parent thread exits? Should use tg_pgid. */ pid_t tg_ppid; /* This is the ID of the parent thread */#ifndef CONFIG_SCHED_CHILD_STATUS uint16_t tg_nchildren; /* This is the number active children */#endif#endif /* HAVE_GROUP_MEMBERS */#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_HAVE_PARENT */#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_WAITPID) && !defined(CONFIG_SCHED_HAVE_PARENT) /* waitpid support ************************************************************/ /* Simple mechanism used only when there is no support for SIGCHLD */ uint8_t tg_nwaiters; /* Number of waiters */ sem_t tg_exitsem; /* Support for waitpid */ int *tg_statloc; /* Location to return exit status */#endif#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_PTHREAD /* Pthreads *******************************************************************/ /* Pthread join Info: */ sem_t tg_joinsem; /* Mutually exclusive access to join data */ FAR struct join_s *tg_joinhead; /* Head of a list of join data */ FAR struct join_s *tg_jointail; /* Tail of a list of join data */ uint8_t tg_nkeys; /* Number pthread keys allocated */#endif#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS /* POSIX Signal Control Fields ************************************************/ sq_queue_t tg_sigactionq; /* List of actions for signals */ sq_queue_t tg_sigpendingq; /* List of pending signals */#endif#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_ENVIRON /* Environment variables ******************************************************/ size_t tg_envsize; /* Size of environment string allocation */ FAR char *tg_envp; /* Allocated environment strings */#endif /* PIC data space and address environments ************************************/ /* Logically the PIC data space belongs here (see struct dspace_s). The * current logic needs review: There are differences in the away that the * life of the PIC data is managed. */#if CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTORS > 0 /* File descriptors ***********************************************************/ struct filelist tg_filelist; /* Maps file descriptor to file */#endif#if CONFIG_NFILE_STREAMS > 0 /* FILE streams ***************************************************************/ /* In a flat, single-heap build. The stream list is allocated with this * structure. But kernel mode with a kernel allocator, it must be separately * allocated using a user-space allocator. */#if (defined(CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED) || defined(CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL)) && \ defined(CONFIG_MM_KERNEL_HEAP) FAR struct streamlist *tg_streamlist;#else struct streamlist tg_streamlist; /* Holds C buffered I/O info */#endif#endif#if CONFIG_NSOCKET_DESCRIPTORS > 0 /* Sockets ********************************************************************/ struct socketlist tg_socketlist; /* Maps socket descriptor to socket */#endif#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE /* POSIX Named Message Queue Fields *******************************************/ sq_queue_t tg_msgdesq; /* List of opened message queues */#endif#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_ADDRENV /* Address Environment ********************************************************/ group_addrenv_t tg_addrenv; /* Task group address environment */#endif#ifdef CONFIG_MM_SHM /* Shared Memory **************************************************************/ struct group_shm_s tg_shm; /* Task shared memory logic */#endif};#endif
基于struct tcb_s又扩展了两个数据结构,分别用于描述task和线程:
/* struct task_tcb_s *************************************************************//* This is the particular form of the task control block (TCB) structure used by * tasks (and kernel threads). There are two TCB forms: one for pthreads and * one for tasks. Both share the common TCB fields (which must appear at the * top of the structure) plus additional fields unique to tasks and threads. * Having separate structures for tasks and pthreads adds some complexity, but * saves memory in that it prevents pthreads from being burdened with the * overhead required for tasks (and vice versa). */struct task_tcb_s{ /* Common TCB fields **********************************************************/ struct tcb_s cmn; /* Common TCB fields */ /* Task Management Fields *****************************************************/#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_STARTHOOK starthook_t starthook; /* Task startup function */ FAR void *starthookarg; /* The argument passed to the function */#endif /* [Re-]start name + start-up parameters **************************************/ FAR char **argv; /* Name+start-up parameters */};
/* struct pthread_tcb_s **********************************************************//* This is the particular form of the task control block (TCB) structure used by * pthreads. There are two TCB forms: one for pthreads and one for tasks. Both * share the common TCB fields (which must appear at the top of the structure) * plus additional fields unique to tasks and threads. Having separate structures * for tasks and pthreads adds some complexity, but saves memory in that it * prevents pthreads from being burdened with the overhead required for tasks * (and vice versa). */#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_PTHREADstruct pthread_tcb_s{ /* Common TCB fields **********************************************************/ struct tcb_s cmn; /* Common TCB fields */ /* Task Management Fields *****************************************************/ pthread_addr_t arg; /* Startup argument */ FAR void *joininfo; /* Detach-able info to support join */ /* Clean-up stack *************************************************************/#ifdef CONFIG_PTHREAD_CLEANUP /* tos - The index to the next avaiable entry at the top of the stack. * stack - The pre-allocated clean-up stack memory. */ uint8_t tos; struct pthread_cleanup_s stack[CONFIG_PTHREAD_CLEANUP_STACKSIZE];#endif /* POSIX Thread Specific Data *************************************************/#if CONFIG_NPTHREAD_KEYS > 0 FAR void *pthread_data[CONFIG_NPTHREAD_KEYS];#endif};#endif /* !CONFIG_DISABLE_PTHREAD */
/* General Task Management Types ************************************************//* This is the type of the task_state field of the TCB. NOTE: the order and * content of this enumeration is critical since there are some OS tables indexed * by these values. The range of values is assumed to fit into a uint8_t in * struct tcb_s. */enum tstate_e { TSTATE_TASK_INVALID = 0, /* INVALID - The TCB is uninitialized */ TSTATE_TASK_PENDING, /* READY_TO_RUN - Pending preemption unlock */ TSTATE_TASK_READYTORUN, /* READY-TO-RUN - But not running */#ifdef CONFIG_SMP TSTATE_TASK_ASSIGNED, /* READY-TO-RUN - Not running, but assigned to a CPU */#endif TSTATE_TASK_RUNNING, /* READY_TO_RUN - And running */ TSTATE_TASK_INACTIVE, /* BLOCKED - Initialized but not yet activated */ TSTATE_WAIT_SEM, /* BLOCKED - Waiting for a semaphore */#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALS TSTATE_WAIT_SIG, /* BLOCKED - Waiting for a signal */#endif#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUE TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTEMPTY, /* BLOCKED - Waiting for a MQ to become not empty. */ TSTATE_WAIT_MQNOTFULL, /* BLOCKED - Waiting for a MQ to become not full. */#endif#ifdef CONFIG_PAGING TSTATE_WAIT_PAGEFILL, /* BLOCKED - Waiting for page fill */#endif NUM_TASK_STATES /* Must be last */};typedef enum tstate_e tstate_t;
/* Task Lists ***************************************************************//* The state of a task is indicated both by the task_state field of the TCB * and by a series of task lists. All of these tasks lists are declared * below. Although it is not always necessary, most of these lists are * prioritized so that common list handling logic can be used (only the * g_readytorun, the g_pendingtasks, and the g_waitingforsemaphore lists * need to be prioritized). *//* This is the list of all tasks that are ready to run. This is a * prioritized list with head of the list holding the highest priority * (unassigned) task. In the non-SMP cae, the head of this list is the * currently active task and the tail of this list, the lowest priority * task, is always the IDLE task. */volatile dq_queue_t g_readytorun;#ifdef CONFIG_SMP/* In order to support SMP, the function of the g_readytorun list changes, * The g_readytorun is still used but in the SMP cae it will contain only: * * - Only tasks/threads that are eligible to run, but not currently running, * and * - Tasks/threads that have not been assigned to a CPU. * * Otherwise, the TCB will be reatined in an assigned task list, * g_assignedtasks. As its name suggests, on 'g_assignedtasks queue for CPU * 'n' would contain only tasks/threads that are assigned to CPU 'n'. Tasks/ * threads would be assigned a particular CPU by one of two mechanisms: * * - (Semi-)permanently through an RTOS interfaces such as * pthread_attr_setaffinity(), or * - Temporarily through scheduling logic when a previously unassigned task * is made to run. * * Tasks/threads that are assigned to a CPU via an interface like * pthread_attr_setaffinity() would never go into the g_readytorun list, but * would only go into the g_assignedtasks[n] list for the CPU 'n' to which * the thread has been assigned. Hence, the g_readytorun list would hold * only unassigned tasks/threads. * * Like the g_readytorun list in in non-SMP case, each g_assignedtask[] list * is prioritized: The head of the list is the currently active task on this * CPU. Tasks after the active task are ready-to-run and assigned to this * CPU. The tail of this assigned task list, the lowest priority task, is * always the CPU's IDLE task. */volatile dq_queue_t g_assignedtasks[CONFIG_SMP_NCPUS];#endif/* This is the list of all tasks that are ready-to-run, but cannot be placed * in the g_readytorun list because: (1) They are higher priority than the * currently active task at the head of the g_readytorun list, and (2) the * currently active task has disabled pre-emption. */volatile dq_queue_t g_pendingtasks;/* This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a semaphore */volatile dq_queue_t g_waitingforsemaphore;/* This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a signal */#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_SIGNALSvolatile dq_queue_t g_waitingforsignal;#endif/* This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a message * queue to become non-empty. */#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUEvolatile dq_queue_t g_waitingformqnotempty;#endif/* This is the list of all tasks that are blocked waiting for a message * queue to become non-full. */#ifndef CONFIG_DISABLE_MQUEUEvolatile dq_queue_t g_waitingformqnotfull;#endif/* This is the list of all tasks that are blocking waiting for a page fill */#ifdef CONFIG_PAGINGvolatile dq_queue_t g_waitingforfill;#endif/* This the list of all tasks that have been initialized, but not yet * activated. NOTE: This is the only list that is not prioritized. */volatile dq_queue_t g_inactivetasks;调度策略
Round Robin,时间片轮转,在优先级相同时的一种调度策略,比如一个task分配200ms的时间片,在同一优先级时,当前task执行完200ms后,让出CPU,切换至队列中的下一个task。
Sporadic,偶发调度,sporadic的引入主要是为了去除周期性和非周期性事件对实时性的影响,相比RR策略,它可以在一个设定的时间段里限制线程执行时间的长短。当一个系统同时处理周期性和非周期性事件,对其进行速率单调性分析(Rate Monotonic Analysis)时,这个偶发调度算法是必须的。
/* POSIX-like scheduling policies */#define SCHED_FIFO 1 /* FIFO priority scheduling policy */#define SCHED_RR 2 /* Round robin scheduling policy */#define SCHED_SPORADIC 3 /* Sporadic scheduling policy */#define SCHED_OTHER 4 /* Not supported */
/**************************************************************************** * Name:sched_setscheduler * * Description: * sched_setscheduler() sets both the scheduling policy and the priority * for the task identified by pid. If pid equals zero, the scheduler of * the calling task will be set. The parameter 'param' holds the priority * of the thread under the new policy. * * Inputs: * pid - the task ID of the task to modify. If pid is zero, the calling * task is modified. * policy - Scheduling policy requested (either SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR) * param - A structure whose member sched_priority is the new priority. * The range of valid priority numbers is from SCHED_PRIORITY_MIN * through SCHED_PRIORITY_MAX. * * Return Value: * On success, sched_setscheduler() returns OK (zero). On error, ERROR * (-1) is returned, and errno is set appropriately: * * EINVAL The scheduling policy is not one of the recognized policies. * ESRCH The task whose ID is pid could not be found. * * Assumptions: * ****************************************************************************/int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy, FAR const struct sched_param *param)调度点
task schedule
时间片轮转调度时机,主要是在system tick时,在timer的中断中调用sched_process_timer()函数,周期性的处理tick,当优先级发生转换时,会调用up_reprioritize_ptr()函数,并会出发context的切换。
从代码来入手分析就能清晰看到调度点了,以arm926为例,在路径arch/arm/src/arm目录下,有两个函数up_saveusercontext(), up_fullcontextrestore(),分别用于context的保存和恢复。在任务调度的时候,最终都会调用到这两个函数来完成切换。
在arch/arm/src/arm下,分别有up_block_task(), up_unblock_task(), up_reprioritizertr(), up_releasepending(),四个函数调用了context切换的函数接口, 其中up_releasepending()函数在sched_unlock()函数中调用,因此,便得到了上下文切换的四个上层函数:
mq_receive() //message接收
mq_send() //message发送
sem_wait() //信号量加锁
sigsuspend() //信号suspend
sigtimedwait() //信号等待
mq_receive() //message接收
mq_send() //message发送
sem_post() //信号量解锁
sig_tcbdispatch() //信号dispatch
task_activate() //激活task,这个在task_create/task_vforkstart/时都会调用到
mq_receive() //message接收
mq_send() //message发送
env_dup() //环境变量相关
group_assigngid() //组相关
sched_roundrobin_process() //在进行RR调度时会调用
sched_running_setpriority() //在运行时的优先级设置
sched_readytorun_setpriority() //在ready-to-run时的优先级设置
以arm926为例,底层实现context切换的代码位于arch/arm/src/arm/目录下,分别为up_saveusercontext(), up_fullcontextrestore()两个函数。
up_saveusercontext(), 完成的任务是将所有的寄存器保存至tcb->xcptcontext中,也就是将现场都保存好
.text .globl up_saveusercontext .type up_saveusercontext, function up_saveusercontext: /* On entry, a1 (r0) holds address of struct xcptcontext. * Offset to the user region. */ /* Make sure that the return value will be non-zero (the * value of the other volatile registers don't matter -- * r1-r3, ip). This function is called throught the * noraml C calling conventions and the values of these * registers cannot be assumed at the point of setjmp * return. */ mov ip, #1 str ip, [r0, #(4*REG_R0)] /* Save the volatile registers (plus r12 which really * doesn't need to be saved) */ add r1, r0, #(4*REG_R4) stmia r1, {r4-r14} /* Save the current cpsr */ mrs r2, cpsr /* R3 = CPSR value */ add r1, r0, #(4*REG_CPSR) str r2, [r1] /* Finally save the return address as the PC so that we * return to the exit from this function. */ add r1, r0, #(4*REG_PC) str lr, [r1] /* Return 0 */ mov r0, #0 /* Return value == 0 */ mov pc, lr /* Return */ .size up_saveusercontext, . - up_saveusercontext
up_fullcontextrestore(), 完成将tcb->xtcpcontext中保存的寄存器值恢复到CPU的寄存器中,将现场恢复。
.globl up_fullcontextrestore .type up_fullcontextrestore, functionup_fullcontextrestore: /* On entry, a1 (r0) holds address of the register save area */ /* Recover all registers except for r0, r1, R15, and CPSR */ add r1, r0, #(4*REG_R2) /* Offset to REG_R2 storage */ ldmia r1, {r2-r14} /* Recover registers */ /* Create a stack frame to hold the PC */ sub sp, sp, #4 /* Frame for one register */ ldr r1, [r0, #(4*REG_PC)] /* Fetch the stored pc value */ str r1, [sp] /* Save it in the stack */ /* Now we can restore the CPSR. We wait until we are completely * finished with the context save data to do this. Restore the CPSR * may re-enable and interrupts and we could be in a context * where the save structure is only protected by interrupts being * disabled. */ ldr r1, [r0, #(4*REG_CPSR)] /* Fetch the stored CPSR value */ msr cpsr, r1 /* Set the CPSR */ /* Now recover r0 and r1 * Then return to the address at the stop of the stack, * destroying the stack frame */ ldr r1, [r0, #(4*REG_R1)] /* Restore r1 register firstly */ ldr r0, [r0, #(4*REG_R0)] ldmia sp!, {r15} /* Return pc value */ .size up_fullcontextrestore, . - up_fullcontextrestore
上文中提到过调用context切换的四个上层函数:up_block_task(), up_unblock_task(), up_reprioritize_rtr(), up_release_pending(),其中四个函数的实现机制都类似,以up_reprioritize_rtr()为例:
/**************************************************************************** * Name: up_reprioritize_rtr * * Description: * Called when the priority of a running or * ready-to-run task changes and the reprioritization will * cause a context switch. Two cases: * * 1) The priority of the currently running task drops and the next * task in the ready to run list has priority. * 2) An idle, ready to run task's priority has been raised above the * the priority of the current, running task and it now has the * priority. * * Inputs: * tcb: The TCB of the task that has been reprioritized * priority: The new task priority * ****************************************************************************/void up_reprioritize_rtr(struct tcb_s *tcb, uint8_t priority) { /* Verify that the caller is sane */ if (tcb->task_state < FIRST_READY_TO_RUN_STATE || tcb->task_state > LAST_READY_TO_RUN_STATE#if SCHED_PRIORITY_MIN > 0 || priority < SCHED_PRIORITY_MIN#endif#if SCHED_PRIORITY_MAX < UINT8_MAX || priority > SCHED_PRIORITY_MAX#endif ) { PANIC(); } else { struct tcb_s *rtcb = this_task(); /* 获取g_readytorun队列的头结点 */ bool switch_needed; sinfo("TCB=%p PRI=%d\n", tcb, priority); /* Remove the tcb task from the ready-to-run list. * sched_removereadytorun will return true if we just * remove the head of the ready to run list. */ switch_needed = sched_removereadytorun(tcb); /* 将tcb从g_readytorun队列中移走 */ /* Setup up the new task priority */ tcb->sched_priority = (uint8_t)priority; /* 设置新的优先级 */ /* Return the task to the specified blocked task list. * sched_addreadytorun will return true if the task was * added to the new list. We will need to perform a context * switch only if the EXCLUSIVE or of the two calls is non-zero * (i.e., one and only one the calls changes the head of the * ready-to-run list). */ switch_needed ^= sched_addreadytorun(tcb); /* 添加回g_readytorun队列中 */ /* Now, perform the context switch if one is needed */ if (switch_needed) { /* If we are going to do a context switch, then now is the right * time to add any pending tasks back into the ready-to-run list. * task list now */ if (g_pendingtasks.head) { sched_mergepending(); /* 在切换前,将pending队列和readytorun队列merge */ } /* Update scheduler parameters */ sched_suspend_scheduler(rtcb); /* Are we in an interrupt handler? */ if (CURRENT_REGS) /* CURRENT_REGS宏用于判断是否在中断中,在中断处理完后CURRENT_REGS会被赋值为NULL */ { /* Yes, then we have to do things differently. * Just copy the CURRENT_REGS into the OLD rtcb. */ up_savestate(rtcb->xcp.regs); /* 保存寄存器到老的rtcb中 */ /* Restore the exception context of the rtcb at the (new) head * of the ready-to-run task list. */ rtcb = this_task(); /* 找到将要切换过去的新tcb */ /* Update scheduler parameters */ sched_resume_scheduler(rtcb); /* 更新参数 */ /* Then switch contexts. Any necessary address environment * changes will be made when the interrupt returns. */ up_restorestate(rtcb->xcp.regs); /* 将新tcb的寄存器值恢复到CPU中 */ } /* Copy the exception context into the TCB at the (old) head of the * ready-to-run Task list. if up_saveusercontext returns a non-zero * value, then this is really the previously running task restarting! */ else if (!up_saveusercontext(rtcb->xcp.regs)) /* 不在中断中,进行context切换 */ { /* Restore the exception context of the rtcb at the (new) head * of the ready-to-run task list. */ rtcb = this_task();#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_ADDRENV /* Make sure that the address environment for the previously * running task is closed down gracefully (data caches dump, * MMU flushed) and set up the address environment for the new * thread at the head of the ready-to-run list. */ (void)group_addrenv(rtcb);#endif /* Update scheduler parameters */ sched_resume_scheduler(rtcb); /* Then switch contexts */ up_fullcontextrestore(rtcb->xcp.regs); /* 恢复之后,变跳转到新的任务上执行了 */ } } }
Task Schedule source code
IRQ disable & Mode Switch:进入中断时处理器是在中断模式下,会先切换至SVC模式,并关掉中断
IRQ Context Save:现场保存,将所有的寄存器保存至中断栈上,并会将保存的地址R0传递给up_decodeirq,在up_decodeirq中,会用一个全局的宏CURRENT_REGS指向传递的地址R0
up_savestate():在IRQ dispatch的过程中,如果遇到了需要task切换的点,比如调到up_reprioritize_rtr()函数,此时该函数会判断CURRENT_REGS宏是否为NULL,用于确定任务的切换是否发生在中断Handler中。发生在中断Handler中时,调用up_savestate()函数,将CURRENT_REGS中的内容保存至task A中。
up_restorestate():将需要切换的task B中的现场恢复到CURRENT_REGS中,此时已经完成了内容的覆盖,但是并没有将值写入寄存器中,也就是没有完成真正的任务切换。
IRQ Context Restore:当中断执行完毕后,恢复现场,此时会将之前地址上保存的值恢复到寄存器里,关键点来了,因为在up_restorestate()的时候,已经将新任务的内容覆盖了原有的,当完成现场恢复后,此时就跳转到了task B中去了,也就完成了任务的切换。
我在阅读源码的时候,发现enter_critical_section()后进行了任务切换。当场就有点迷糊了,这个一关中断,切换到新任务后,新任务难道就不能响应中断了?后来发现了其实忽略了一个重要关键点,在TASK_B Context Restore的过程中,会将TASK_B保存的context中的CPSR恢复到寄存器中,这时候运行的就是TASK_B的现场了,跟之前TASK_A没有关系了。
上图中,TASK_B Context Restore执行完后,TASK_A就中断在这个点上了,当下一次再调度到TASK_A时,会接着从这个点往下执行,所以就算在之前enter_critical_section()关了中断,运行后leave_critical_section()会打开中断,接着执行TASK_A后续的流程。