源文件在tornado 2.0下编译成功的,我移植到2.2下。
build vxworks image:总是提示下面的错误。不知道怎么回事?
d:\Tornado2.2\host\x86-win32\bin\vxsize ppc -v 00180000 00050000 vxWorks
vxWorks: 1402336(t) + 98400(d) + 57264(b) = 1558000 (312816 over)
Warning: image is larger than 1245184 bytes!
Booting this image with vxWorks bootROMs will fail
unless you increase RAM_HIGH_ADRS in config.h and
the Makefile and burn new BootROMS
make: *** [vxWorks] Error 0x1
make: *** Deleting file `vxWorks'
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