CAN. LIN通信是属于SBC的一部分,需要用到12v电源供电,同时调整J107跳线帽为1-2短接。
void FLEXCAN0_init(void) { #define MSG_BUF_SIZE 4 /* Msg Buffer Size. (CAN 2.0AB: 2 hdr + 2 data= 4 words) */ uint32_t i=0; PCC->PCCn[PCC_FlexCAN0_INDEX] |= PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* CGC=1: enable clock to FlexCAN0 */ CAN0->MCR |= CAN_MCR_MDIS_MASK; /* MDIS=1: Disable module before selecting clock */ CAN0->CTRL1 &= ~CAN_CTRL1_CLKSRC_MASK; /* CLKSRC=0: Clock Source = SOSCDIV2 */ CAN0->MCR &= ~CAN_MCR_MDIS_MASK; /* MDIS=0; Enable module config. (Sets FRZ, HALT) */ while (!((CAN0->MCR & CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_FRZACK_SHIFT)) {} /*! * Good practice: * =================================================== * wait for FRZACK=1 on freeze mode entry/exit */ CAN0->CTRL1 = 0 #if defined(S32K11x_SERIES) |CAN_CTRL1_PRESDIV(4) /* PRESDIV=4: Sclock=PEclock/(PRESDIV+1) = 40MHz/5 = 8MHz */ #endif |CAN_CTRL1_PSEG2(3) /* Configure for 500 KHz bit time */ |CAN_CTRL1_PSEG1(3) /* Time quanta freq = 16 time quanta x 500 KHz bit time= 8MHz */ |CAN_CTRL1_PROPSEG(6) /* PRESDIV+1 = Fclksrc/Ftq = 8 MHz/8 MHz = 1 */ |CAN_CTRL1_RJW(3) /* so PRESDIV = 0 */ |CAN_CTRL1_SMP(1); /* PSEG2 = Phase_Seg2 - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3 */ /* PSEG1 = PSEG2 = 3 */ /* PROPSEG= Prop_Seg - 1 = 7 - 1 = 6 */ /* RJW: since Phase_Seg2 >=4, RJW+1=4 so RJW=3. */ /* SMP = 1: use 3 bits per CAN sample */ /* CLKSRC=0 (unchanged): Fcanclk= Fosc= 8 MHz */ for(i=0; i<128; i++ ) { /* CAN0: clear 32 msg bufs x 4 words/msg buf = 128 words */ CAN0->RAMn[i] = 0; /* Clear msg buf word */ } for(i=0; i<16; i++ ) { /* In FRZ mode, init CAN0 16 msg buf filters */ CAN0->RXIMR[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* Check all ID bits for incoming messages */ } CAN0->RXMGMASK = 0x1FFFFFFF; /* Global acceptance mask: check all ID bits */ CAN0->RAMn[ 4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0x04000000; /* Msg Buf 4, word 0: Enable for reception */ /* EDL,BRS,ESI=0: CANFD not used */ /* CODE=4: MB set to RX inactive */ /* IDE=0: Standard ID */ /* SRR, RTR, TIME STAMP = 0: not applicable */ #ifdef NODE_A /* Node A receives msg with std ID 0x511 */ CAN0->RAMn[ 4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = 0x14440000; /* Msg Buf 4, word 1: Standard ID = 0x111 */ #else /* Node B to receive msg with std ID 0x555 */ CAN0->RAMn[ 4*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = 0x15540000; /* Msg Buf 4, word 1: Standard ID = 0x555 */ #endif /* PRIO = 0: CANFD not used */ CAN0->MCR = 0x0000001F; /* Negate FlexCAN 1 halt state for 32 MBs */ while ((CAN0->MCR && CAN_MCR_FRZACK_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_FRZACK_SHIFT) {} /* Good practice: wait for FRZACK to clear (not in freeze mode) */ while ((CAN0->MCR && CAN_MCR_NOTRDY_MASK) >> CAN_MCR_NOTRDY_SHIFT) {} /* Good practice: wait for NOTRDY to clear (module ready) */ }
注意CAN0的memory map中有一段是embedded RAM,其实就是NXP给收发报文的邮箱自己起了个别名而已。
void FLEXCAN0_transmit_msg(void) { /*! Assumption: * ================================= * Message buffer CODE is INACTIVE */ CAN0->IFLAG1 = 0x00000001; /* Clear CAN 0 MB 0 flag without clearing others*/ CAN0->RAMn[ 0*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 2] = 0xA5112233; /* MB0 word 2: data word 0 */ CAN0->RAMn[ 0*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 3] = 0x44556677; /* MB0 word 3: data word 1 */ #ifdef NODE_A CAN0->RAMn[ 0*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = 0x15540000; /* MB0 word 1: Tx msg with STD ID 0x555 */ #else CAN0->RAMn[ 0*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 1] = 0x14440000; /* MB0 word 1: Tx msg with STD ID 0x511 */ #endif CAN0->RAMn[ 0*MSG_BUF_SIZE + 0] = 0x0C400000 | 8 << CAN_WMBn_CS_DLC_SHIFT; /* MB0 word 0: */ /* EDL,BRS,ESI=0: CANFD not used */ /* CODE=0xC: Activate msg buf to transmit */ /* IDE=0: Standard ID */ /* SRR=1 Tx frame (not req'd for std ID) */ /* RTR = 0: data, not remote tx request frame */ /* DLC = 8 bytes */ }
for(;;){ FLEXCAN0_transmit_msg(); delayCycles(0x7FFFFF); }