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Benchmark numbers based on: mv167-25Mhz, 5.1
Cache Cache
Key Measurements Enabled Disabled
Raw Context Switch Time 4 us 14 us
Cyclic Test Time 172 us 638 us
Suspend/Switch/Resume/Switch 23 us 86 us
Kernel Timings
Task Related
taskSpawn 124 us 370 us
taskInit 58 us 181 us
taskActivate 12 us 33 us
taskDelete 101 us 303 us
Task Create / Delete 249 us 684 us
CASE 1: no lock 3 us 4 us
CASE 2: lock exists 2 us 5 us
CASE 1: no lock 2 us 12 us
CASE 2: lock exists 5 us 6 us
CASE 1: ready task 11 us 30 us
CASE 2: pended task 9 us 19 us
CASE 3: suspended task 8 us 19 us
CASE 4: delayed task 9 us 19 us
CASE 1: ready task 6 us 19 us
CASE 2: pended task 10 us 19 us
CASE 3: suspended task 13 us 30 us
CASE 4: delayed task 9 us 18 us
Semaphore Related
semBCreate 66 us 152 us
semCCreate 46 us 150 us
semMCreate 45 us 139 us
Binary 49 us 157 us
Counting 49 us 163 us
Mutual Exclusion 48 us 157 us
CASE 1: tasks in queue
Binary 18 us 44 us
Counting 20 us 46 us
Mutual Exclusion 25 us 59 us
CASE 2: no tasks in queue
Binary 4 us 8 us
Counting 5 us 11 us
Mutual Exclusion 6 us 15 us
CASE 1: semaphore available
Binary 4 us 9 us
Counting 5 us 11 us
Mutual Exclusion 5 us 13 us
CASE 2: semaphore unavailable
Binary 10 us 25 us
Counting 11 us 27 us
Mutual Exclusion 4 us 12 us
Semaphore Give / Take
Binary 7 us 15 us
Counting 9 us 21 us
Mutual Exclusion 10 us 26 us
Binary 11 us 20 us
Counting 11 us 20 us
Mutual Exclusion 10 us 16 us
Miscellaneous Operating System Timings
Message Queue Related
msgQCreate 93 us 280 us
msgQDelete 71 us 229 us
CASE 1: task pending 39 us 102 us
CASE 2: no tasks pending 23 us 64 us
CASE 3: queue full 14 us 45 us
CASE 1: message available 20 us 62 us
CASE 2: message unavailable 15 us 41 us
Memory Related
malloc 28 us 81 us
free 32 us 104 us
Watchdog Related
wdCreate 42 us 106 us
CASE 1: timer started 48 us 160 us
CASE 2: timer not started 44 us 150 us
CASE 1: timer in queue 20 us 70 us
CASE 2: no timer in queue 18 us 55 us
wdCancel 11 us 34 us
robot application 18 sec 51 sec
[ editorial:
If you care enough to count pico-seconds in comparing realtime
kernels, you might want to actually get each of the evaluation copies
from various vendors and test them yourself. But remember benchmarks
are misleading and almost always biased and inaccurate. Given similar
benchmark numbers, give or take a few microseconds, etc., your dollars
are better spent in getting something you'll enjoy using. ]
According to WRS, using VxWorks 5.1 on mv167-25mhz (i82596 ethernet)
w/ cache w/o cache enabled
TCP/IP Throughput (KB/sec) 859 KB/sec 682 KB/sec
No numbers available on latency.
Using a reasonably fast processor 25Mhz MC68040 and a reasonably well
made ethernet chip like SONIC or LANCE put together on a reasonable board
design will achieve TCP throughput close to full bandwidth of ethernet.
[ editorial:
This, of course, is rather slow in comparison with other fast
implementations, since a 16Mhz MC68020 with onboard LANCE
or a PeeCee with an ethernet board can easily do the same.
I know at least one implementation based on el-cheapo i486-50mhz/EISA/SONIC
that does: 1170KB/sec. ]
关键词: 关于 vxworks 实时性 吞吐 性能 指标
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