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Re: 怎样提高vhdl水平
你可以参加 asic@egroups.com的讨论组,
或者与 zeyaohan@263.net联系,目前它们提供IP cores,包括:
Comm Controllers
Eth MAC 10/100Mbps
IP Engine
Serial UART
USB Controller
Floating Point
DSP Cores
FIR Filter
MAC unit
Memory Cores
FIFO buffer
Dual port RAM
Signal port RAM
LUT model
DRAM model
Arithmetic Cores
Disributed Arithmetic MAC
ECC Cores
Reed-Solomon Encoder/Decoder
Viterbi Decoder
OpenRISC 1000
OpenRISC 2000
System Controllers
PCI 64 Bridge
SDRAM Controller
Video Controllers
Prototype Boards
Micro FPGA board
OCRP-1 board
OCRP-2 board
CPLD board
另外还有HW Design Case、Free IP Cores、Free Eda tools等,
1. Designs
a) OpenCores designs and site
b) Openipcore site
c) free-ip designs and site
d) FMF models and site
e) f-cpu design
f) LART Project
g) Leon-II: Sparc CPU
h) Crypto
i) Piranha: CPU Project
j) Free-risc8: CPU Project
k) Traja: Java Processor
l) msl16
m) risc8: CPU Project
n) te16: FPGA CPU
o) DLX processor model
2. Tools
== Design entry
a) Emacs modes: VHDL, Verilog ....
b) gEDA Tools: schematic and netlisting
c) vgui: block diagram editor verilog and VHDL
d) Brusey20: state diagram editor
e) VGI: VHDL Graphical Interface
f) chipmunk tools
g) trtab: truth table generator
h) xcircuit: schematic drawing tool
i) bitgen: converting digital bitstreams to analog voltage sources
j) dia: block diagrams and flow charts drawing tool
k) Voyeur: design veiwer
l) dtools: several scripting tools
m) sarlacc: Orcad to geda convertor
n) spp: Perl wrapper for Synopsys' shells
o) NGpaint: drawing tool
== Factory tools
a) Programmers
b) e_factory
c) i IO interfacing board software
d) ntesla: coil calculator
e) ppc
f) protoype
== Instruments
a) bsosc: Bitscope software
b) multimeter
c) oscope
d) scope
== Pic tools
a) xnitpic X Window Simulator for PIC
b) pic_cc PIC compiler
c) picprog PIC driver
d) asm_c84
e) gpasm
f) gpsim
g) npc
h) picasm
i) picdis
j) picsim
k) prog84-0.9
== Simulators
a) DigiTcl: Digital simulator
b) gwave: wave form viewer
c) tkgate: event-driven simulator
d) gmos: Semiconductor simulator
e) oregan schematic capture and simulation
f) danalyzer: Digital Logic Analyzer
g) hadlop230 : simulation for digital optoelectronic
h) irsim: logic simulator for MOS
i) s5: simulation of programnable logic controler
j) dinotrace: viewing signal wave forms
k) Mpac: Microstrip Patch Antenna Calculator
l) SIMsynch:
m) Timver: timing verify circuits against specifications
n) gossip-sim: synchronous data flow simulation
o) pcisim: PCI simulator
p) polis
q) thud: RTL simulation environment
r) vipec: electrical network analysis to
s) vstgl: Visual STG Lab
t) GTKwave: verilog wave viewer
u) Udl/I:Unified Design Language for Integrated Circuits
== Spice
a) Al's Circuit Simulator
b) autochar "Automatic cell characterization of digital circuits.
c) hsview: Simulation viewer
d) ng-spice : Spice
e) spice3f5 : Spice
f) spicecad : schematic entry for the anlog simulator
g) spicepp spice scripts
h) spiceprm spice preprocessor
== Layout
* IC
a) Magic: IC layout tool
b) p2m: Image to layout tool
* board
a) PCB layout tool
b) mucs
c) pcbca
d) punto
e) xelenECAD
f) xroadmaker
a) freehdl :vhdl compiler
b) VHDLSimili
c) Alliance : compiler, simulator and synthesis tool
d) savant : vhdl simulator
e) VHDL-parser :
f) Xfuzzy : vhdl tool for fuzzy system
g) vdt : vhdl compiler
h) Electric: compiler and simulator. full IC design system
i) Some VHDL tools
== Verilog
b) V2k parser, database, and elaborator.
c) VBS Verilog Behavioral Simulation
d) ver Structural Verilog Compiler.
e) Verilog Perl Package
f) vex
g) Verilo-Pli
h) io Reading files from Verilog models
i) ivl
g) vIDE Editor
h) Vcd wave veiwer
== FPGAs
a) Jazz compiler
c) Vpr PPR tool
d) xnf-tools
e) xstools: xess boards tools
== Synthesis
a) Boolean:
c) Alliance : VHDL compiler, simulator and synthesis tool
d) Udl/I:Unified Design Language for Integrated Circuits
== Others
Sdcc: Compiler can be ported to PIC
4. Utilities
a) Emacs : editor
b) Xemacs : editor
c) vim : VI editor
d) cgywin : GNU tools paltform for windows
e) WinCvs : CVS
f) Libraries needed by some tools
5. Documents
2) VLSI lectures
关键词: 怎样提高 水平
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