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[求助]有做 philips DSP(Nexperia pnx1300)+psos的朋友吗?关于psos多任务程序的问题!
我在用 philips DSP(Nexperia pnx1300),基于 psos 上写多任务的程序时,出了点问题 :(
感觉一个线程的执行效率很低,可是我把该 TASK 的优先级调到很高的值时(从原来的 96 改成了217),发现它的执行效率还是没什么变化。。? 为什么呢??
A priority must be assigned to each task when it is created. There are 256 priority
levels — 255 is the highest, 0 the lowest. Certain priority levels are reserved for use by special pSOSystem tasks. Level 0 is reserved for the IDLE daemon task furnished by the pSOS+ kernel. Levels 230 - 255 are reserved for a variety of high priority tasks, including the pSOS+ ROOT.
请各位大虾指点小弟我一二啊! thanks ...
关键词: 求助 有做 philips Nexperia pn
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