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Booting sequence of Linux2.6 on 32-bits PowerPC
Save input parameters passing from u-boot
relocate global variables
memset_io: zero BSS section
identify_cpu: identify current CPU type. cur_cpu_spec contains index in cpu_specs[]
do_cpu_ftr_fixups: fill sections special for the CPU type
mmu_off: turn off MMU
clear_bats: clear BATs
flush_tlbs: Invalid all TLB entries
initial_bats: 8M for instructions and data through xBAT0 individualy (totally 16M)
reloc_offset: code relocation
__setup_cpu_750: Enable Data/instruction cache through HID0
relocate_kernel: Move kernel code from current running address to KERNELBASE (physical address 0)
turn_on_mmu: turn on MMU through MSR
Save virtual address of current task structure to GPR2
Save physical address of current thread structure to SPR3
Setup stack pointer (GPR1)
copy command line from CONFIG_CMDLINE to cmd_line
parse_bootinfo: parse board information from u-boot
relocate_nodes: relocate device tree
finish_device_tree: initialize the device tree
MMU_setup: looking for TLB/BAT options and maximum memory size from command line
MMU_init_hw: Setup hash table at top end of physical memory
mapin_ram: mapping all memory from KERNELBASE
mmu_context_init: initialize context management staff
load_up_mmu: initialize BATs and load settings of HW page tables into registers (E.g SDR)
Save input parameters passing from u-boot
relocate global variables
memset_io: zero BSS section
identify_cpu: identify current CPU type. cur_cpu_spec contains index in cpu_specs[]
do_cpu_ftr_fixups: fill sections special for the CPU type
mmu_off: turn off MMU
clear_bats: clear BATs
flush_tlbs: Invalid all TLB entries
initial_bats: 8M for instructions and data through xBAT0 individualy (totally 16M)
reloc_offset: code relocation
__setup_cpu_750: Enable Data/instruction cache through HID0
relocate_kernel: Move kernel code from current running address to KERNELBASE (physical address 0)
turn_on_mmu: turn on MMU through MSR
Save virtual address of current task structure to GPR2
Save physical address of current thread structure to SPR3
Setup stack pointer (GPR1)
copy command line from CONFIG_CMDLINE to cmd_line
parse_bootinfo: parse board information from u-boot
relocate_nodes: relocate device tree
finish_device_tree: initialize the device tree
MMU_setup: looking for TLB/BAT options and maximum memory size from command line
MMU_init_hw: Setup hash table at top end of physical memory
mapin_ram: mapping all memory from KERNELBASE
mmu_context_init: initialize context management staff
load_up_mmu: initialize BATs and load settings of HW page tables into registers (E.g SDR)
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