Avago Technologies’ ALM-42316 is a fully-matched Power amplifier module for use in the (3.3-3.8)GHz band. High linear output power at 3.3V is achieved through the use of Avago Technologies’ proprietary 0.25um GaAs Enhancement-mode pHEMT process. It is housed in a miniature 5.0 x 5.0 x 1.1mm MCOB module. It includes shutdown and
switchable gain functions. A detector is also included onchip. The compact footprint and low profile coupled with high gain and high efficiency make the ALM-42316 an ideal choice as a power amplifier for IEEE 802.16 (Wimax) and WLL applications.
High Efficiency of 14.5% at low 3.3V supply voltage
High gain: 30dB
High linearity performance: 23dBm at 2.5% EVM (64 QAM FEC rate OFDMA).
Broadband Fully-matched 50 Ohm input and output impedances
45dBc 2nd harmonic attenuation
Built-in detector and shutdown switches
Switchable gain : 18 dB attenuation using one single CMOS compatible switch pin
GaAs E-pHEMT Technology
Low cost small package size: 5.0 x 5.0 x 1.1 mm3
Useable at 5V supplies for higher output power
3.5GHz; 3.3V, Iqtotal=240 mA (typ)
30 dB Gain
23dBm linear Pout (2.5% EVM, 64QAM OFDMA)
24.5dBm linear Pout (2.5% EVM, 64QAM OFDMA) @ Vdd=5V
P1dB : 30.5dBm
Detector range : 10dB (0.3V – 2.0V)
18 dB switchable gain attenuation
Shutdown current : < 20uA
High linearity amplifier for IEEE 802.16 mobile and fixed terminal amplifier
WLL amplifier
图1. ALM-42316内部电路图
图2. ALM-42316应用电路图
图3. ALM-42316演示板元件布局图