Cache Replace Operation
After a system is initialized, the value of CS is set to "0000", signifying that the contents of set 0, set1, set2 and set
3 cache memories are invalid. When a cache fill occurs, the value of CS is changed to "0110" at the specified line,
which signifies that only set 0 is valid. When the subsequent cache fill occurs, the value of CS will be "0011" at the
specified line, which represents that contents of both set 0 and set 2 are valid. When the subsequent cache fill
occurs, the value of CS will be "0101" at the specified line, which represents that contents of set 0, set 1, and set 2
are valid. And succesive cache fill make CS "1000" at the specified line, which represents that all caches are valid.
1. CS是什么东西?没有解释啊.
2. 为什么CS的内容为0110时,选择set 0,有什么规律或原则?
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