最近在读xilinx的一篇应用文档《Incremental Design Reuse with Partitions》,其中有这样一段话:
“Partitions are not supported by Project Navigator when using integrated 3rd party
synthesis tools. For example, if Synplify Pro is used for synthesis and implement the
design with Partitions in the Synplify Pro environment, not Project Navigator, Partitions are not supported. An HDL design with Partitions can be implemented with Project Navigator and the XST synthesis tool, or implemented with Project Navigator in an EDIF flow and independent Synplify Pro synthesis tool.”
我越读越觉得有点矛盾,使用Partition技术时,如果用Synplify综合到底应该是在独立环境中使用还是在ISE Project Navigator下调用Synplify呢?
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