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Embedded System and Real-Time System 书籍介绍
1 CMP.Books.Designing.Embedded.Communications.Software.eBook-LiB.chm
这是一本把Embedded System和通信软件开发结合得很好的书。其中详细介绍了如何开发通信软件。详细的介绍了如何把通信软件分模块,和一些特殊的应用,比如Stream等。
Designing Embedded Communications Software
by T. Sridhar ISBN:157820125x
CMP Books ? 2003 (207 pages)
With this foundation, you explore a development model that addresses the complete range of issues in the design of embedded communications software, including real-time operating systems, hardware and software partitioning, layering, and protocol stacks
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Software Considerations in Communications Systems
Chapter 3 - Software Partitioning
Chapter 4 - Protocol Software
Chapter 5 - Tables and Other Data Structures
Chapter 6 - Buffer and Timer Management
Chapter 7 - Management Software
Chapter 8 - Multi-Board Communications Software Design
Chapter 9 - Going About the Development
Appendix A - Examples from Commercial Systems
2 CMP.Books.Embedded.Systems.Dictionary.eBook-LiB.chm
Embedded Systems Dictionary
by Jack Ganssle and Michael Barr ISBN:1578201209
CMP Books ? 2003 (291 pages)
This dictionary defines the meaning and usage of 2,800 of the most-used terms in embedded systems in a way that serves technical and non-technical audiences alike.
3 CMP.Books.Real-Time.Concepts.For.Embedded.Systems.eBook-LiB.chm
据个例子,他介绍了从网络下载的ELF IMAGE放在RAM的什么地方,然后怎么样复制data、bss、text段,如何执行等等!
Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems
by Qing Li and Carolyn Yao ISBN:1578201241
CMP Books ? 2003 (294 pages)
This book bridges the gap between higher abstract modeling concepts and the lower-level programming aspects of embedded systems development. You gain a solid understanding of real-time embedded systems with detailed examples and industry wisdom.
Table of Contents
Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Basics Of Developing For Embedded Systems
Chapter 3 - Embedded System Initialization
Chapter 4 - Introduction To Real-Time Operating Systems
Chapter 5 - Tasks
Chapter 6 - Semaphores
Chapter 7 - Message Queues
Chapter 8 - Other Kernel Objects
Chapter 9 - Other RTOS Services
Chapter 10 - Exceptions and Interrupts
Chapter 11 - Timer and Timer Services
Chapter 12 - I/O Subsystem
Chapter 13 - Memory Management
Chapter 14 - Modularizing An Application For Concurrency
Chapter 15 - Synchronization And Communication
Chapter 16 - Common Design Problems
Appendix A - References
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
To my wife, Huaying, and my daughter, Jane, for their love, understanding, and support.
To my parents, Dr. Y. H. and Dr. N. H. Li, and my brother, Dr. Yang Li, for being the exemplification of academic excellence.
About the Authors
[color=#FF1493]Qing Li [/color]is currently a senior architect at Wind River systems and has four patents pending in the embedded kernel and networking protocol design areas. His 12+ years in engineering include expertise as a principal engineer designing and developing protocol stacks and embedded applications for the telecommunications and networks arena. Qing is the lead architect of Wind River's embedded IPv6 products and is at the forefront of various IPv6 initiatives. In the past, Qing owned his own company developing commercial software for the telecommunications industry. Additionally, he was one of a four-member Silicon Valley startup that designed and developed proprietary algorithms and applications for embedded biometric devices in the security industry.
Qing holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Specialization in Computing Science from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Qing has a Masters of Science degree with Distinction in Computer Engineering, with focus in Advanced High Performance Computing from Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, USA. Qing is a member of Association for Computing Machinery and a member of IEEE Computer Society.
[color=#C71585]Caroline Yao [/color]has 15+ years in technology and the commercial software arena with six years in the embedded market. She has expertise ranging from product development, product management, product marketing, business development, and strategic alliances. She is also a co-inventor and co-US patent pending (June 12, 2001) holder for 'System and Method for Providing Cross-Development Application Design Tools and Services Via a Network.'
Caroline holds a Bachelor of Arts in Statistics from the University of California Berkeley.
/* 建议:这些书是非常好的,但是实践经验才是最好的。我读了这些书,给我留 */
/* 下深刻印象的也只是我以前遇到的一些问题,和一些一直困扰我的地方。其他 */
/* 的地方都现在已经忘记的差不多了,所以大家不需要花很多时间去读这写书, */
/* 只需要大概浏览,等需要用的时候可以查阅就行了。也许这是些废话,但是我 */
/* 希望大家不要重新走我的弯路! */
Writen by Xiao-Hua for EDW BBS
[align=right][color=#000066][此贴子已经被作者于2003-11-28 16:10:05编辑过][/color][/align]
关键词: 我的 Chapter

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