White Paper 5: Using 1-Wire APIs for Data Sheet Commands
1wire, 1-Wire API, iButton, Datasheet, Application Program Interface, memory function, ROM function, ROM ID
Abstract: All 1-Wire® device data sheets describe two sets of commands. The first set referred to as ROM Function Commands are used for device identification and selection. The second set is often called Memory Function Commands but may contain other non-memory operations. A ROM Function Command must be completed each time a device is selected to get it ready for a Memory Function Command. The 1-Wire APIs created by Dallas Semiconductor utilize these commands to do operations with 1-Wire devices. Sometimes it is not always obvious what commands are being called. This document will map the commands presented in the data sheets to the API functions. Where specific API functions are not available, a technique will be presented to translate the commands using the generic communications API functions.
Using 1-Wire APIs for Data Sheet Commands.pdf
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