Rob Reeder, “Transformer-Coupled Front-End for Wideband
A/D Converters,” Analog Dialogue 39-2, 2005, pp.3-6.
Rob Reeder, Mark Looney, and Jim Hand, “Pushing the State of
the Art with Multichannel A/D Converters,” Analog Dialogue
39-2, 2005, pp. 7-10.
Walt Kester, “Which ADC Architecture is Right for Your
Application?”Analog Dialogue 39-2, 2005, pp. 11-18.
Rob Reeder and Ramya Ramachandran, “Wideband A/D
Converter Front-End Design Considerations—When to Use a
Double Transformer Coniguration,” Analog Dialogue 40-3,
2006, pp. 19-22.
Rob Reeder and Jim Caserta, “Wideband A/D Converter
Front-End Design Considerations:Ampliier- or Transformer
Drive for the ADC,” Analog Dialogue 41-1, 2007, pp. 6-12.
Analog Devices (www.analog.com)LjAD9246Lj80 MSPS/ 105
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