电子产品世界 » 论坛首页 » DIY与开源设计 » 设计工具 » 【设计要点】超级电容替代电源中的备份电池

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2012-04-08 21:44:16     打赏
Supercapacitors (or ultracapacitors) are fi nding their wayinto an increasing number of applications for short-termenergy storage and applications that require intermittenthigh energy pulses. One such application is a power ridethroughcircuit, in which a backup energy source cutsin and powers the load if the main power supply failsfor a short time. This type of application has typicallybeen dominated by batteries, but electric double layercapacitors (EDLCs) are fast making inroads as theirprice-per-farad, size and effective series resistance percapacitance (ESR/C) continue to decrease.

Supercapacitors Can Replace a Backup Battery for.pdf

关键词: 设计     要点     超级     电容     替代     电源     中的     备份         

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