An increasing number of applications require DC/DC converters that produce an output that falls somewhere within the input voltage range. The problem is that conventional buck-boost converter topologies, such as SEPIC or boost followed by buck, are complex, inefficient and consume a relatively large board area. Linear Technology offers 4-switch-topology buck-boost regulators that significantly improve efficiency and save space, but a complete regulator design still requires a number of external components and meticulous board layout decisions related to electrical and thermal considerations. The next clear step to simplify the design is a modular approach—a buck-boost regulator system in an IC form factor. The LTM4605 and LTM4607 μModule™ buck-boost regulators take that approach. Each requires only one external inductor and a single sensing resistor to produce a compact, high performance, high efficiency buck-boost regulator with exceptional thermal performance.
μModule Buck-Boost Regulators Offer a Simple and Efficient.pdf
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