A Single Chip Silicon Bipolar Receiver for GPS/GLONASS Applications
关键词: GPS, GLONASS, silicon bipolar, gps receivers, maxim, GST-2, QuickChip, QC-9, glonass receiver, ASIC
Abstract: This paper describes a silicon bipolar ASIC design for high-end GPS receivers that delivers a reference frequency and IF outputs to allow for tracking of GLONASS satellites. The 3.2mm² receiver operates at a minimum supply voltage of 2.7V, over -40°C to +85°C temperature range. It has a 4dB noise figure (including RF filters), a total on-chip gain of 130dB, and an IIP3 of -31dBm.
A Single Chip Silicon Bipolar Receiver for GPS GLONASS Applications.pdf
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A Single Chip Silicon Bipolar Receiver for GPS/GLONASS Applications
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