【应用手册】PCB Breakout Routing for High-Density Serial Channel Designs Beyond 10 Gbps
Altera® Stratix V® FPGAs offer up to 66 transceiver channels per device for fast data
rates to meet increasing system bandwidth demands. As a result of the high
transceiver count, board designers may find it difficult to route all the channels while
keeping control of the board cost. This application note compares several serial
channel breakout routing techniques to help you meet 10 Gbps to 28 Gbps data rate
channel performance while balancing the performance versus cost trade-offs.
Specifically, the channel breakout underneath the ball-grid array (BGA) has an impact
on the board signal integrity and cost.
This application note discusses how to appropriately design the channel breakout in
the BGA via field region while reducing PCB cost. Detailed layout design examples
and simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the routing
topologies. Simulation results of insertion loss, return loss, and crosstalk performance
are compared to demonstrate the impact of the different breakout routing schemes.
See morean651.pdf.
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【应用手册】PCB Breakout Routing for High-Density Serial Channel Designs Beyond 10 Gbp
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