【应用手册】AN543: Debugging Nios II Software Using the Lauterbach Debugger
This application note presents methods of debugging a Nios® II application with the
Lauterbach TRACE32 Logic Development System.
The TRACE32 system, including Lauterbach PowerTrace hardware and the TRACE32
PowerView integrated development environment (IDE), provides complete visibility
into the operation of a Nios II system. In combination with the Nios II EDS, SOPC
Builder, and the Quartus® II software, the TRACE32 system enables you to analyze
Nios II system failures or anomalous design behavior. The Lauterbach TRACE32
system gives you a degree of control unmatched by other Nios II debugging
This application note includes tutorial steps for debugging an example design on the
Altera® Cyclone® III 3C120 development board, and general guidelines for debugging
a custom design.
This application note assumes that you are running the Lauterbach TRACE32
PowerView IDE on a Windows platform. However, the techniques presented are
independent of the platform.AN543.pdf
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【应用手册】AN543: Debugging Nios II Software Using the Lauterbach Debugger
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