【应用手册】Guidelines for Handling J-Lead, QFP, BGA, FBGA, and Lidless FBGA Devices
This application note provides guidelines for handling J-Lead, Quad Flat Pack (QFP),
and Ball-Grid Array (BGA, including FineLine BGA [FBGA] and lidless FBGA
packaging) devices to preserve the quality of these devices during storage, shipment,
and transfer and to ensure easier soldering.
Devices that use surface-mount J-Lead, QFP, BGA, FBGA, and lidless BGA are now
common on boards because they provide density, size, and cost benefits. However, a
few precautions are necessary to protect these devices from mechanical damage
during transportation and storage.an071.pdf
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【应用手册】Guidelines for Handling J-Lead, QFP, BGA, FBGA, and Lidless FBGA Devices
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