【应用手册】Migration Between Stratix V GX and Stratix V GT Devices
This application note provides guidelines for designing cross-family migration (also
known as vertical migration) between Altera® Stratix® V GX and Stratix V GT devices.
With advance planning that takes into account the different power supply voltages
and available packages in both families, you can design a PCB that can be assembled
with either a Stratix V GX or a Stratix V GT device in the same package.
Follow these guidelines to use either device in your PCB design. Altera recommends
using these guidelines throughout your PCB design process to ensure a seamless
migration of designs between Stratix V GX and GT devices. Cross-family migration
between Stratix V GX and GT FPGAs allows you to design with Stratix V GT FPGAs
and test the system with Stratix V GX FPGAs.an644.pdf
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