【应用手册】Dynamic Reconfiguration of PMA Controls in Stratix V Devices
This application note describes how to use the transceiver reconfiguration controller
to dynamically reconfigure the Physical Media Attachment (PMA) controls of the
Stratix® V transceivers.
You can reconfigure the following PMA controls to optimize signal integrity of all the
high-speed links in your Stratix V device:
■ Transmitter pre-emphasis
■ Differential output voltage (VOD)
■ RX linear equalization
■ RX buffer DC gain
The attached reference design provides an implementation example of PMA controls
reconfiguration. You can modify the reference design to suit your system
requirements and perform an in-system debug of the high-speed channels in your
design. This application note describes how to simulate this reference design using
the Quartus® II software version 11.0 and ModelSim® version 6.6d.an645.pdf
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