【应用手册】AN 572: Implementing the Scalable SERDES Framer Interface (SFI-S) Protocol in Stratix IV GT Devices
This application note describes the transceiver features in Stratix® IV GT devices that
implement the Scalable SERDES Framer Interface (SFI-S) protocol. The transceiver
configuration and clocking scheme for this protocol implementation are also
SFI-S is a high-speed serial communication protocol for 40 Gbps/100 Gbps optical
interface systems. The protocol defines multi-lane data channels and a deskew
channel with each channel running between 9.95 Gbps and 11.3 Gbps. The number of
data channels can vary from 4 to 20, depending on the aggregate bandwidth
requirements. Figure 1 shows an example of a 100 Gbps line card application using
the SFI-S protocol.an572.pdf
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【应用手册】AN 572: Implementing the Scalable SERDES Framer Interface (SFI-S) Protocol
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