【应用手册】AN 544: Digital IF Modem Design with the DSP Builder Advanced Blockset
This application note describes the tool flow for designing a digital intermediate frequency
(IF) modem using the DSP Builder Advanced Blockset.
DSP Builder is a digital signal processing (DSP) development tool interface for designs
developed in the Simulink environment through to FPGA implementation. DSP Builder
contains two library blocksets:
■ The standard blockset has cycle accurate behavior and is suitable for managing multiple
clock domains when interfacing to external logic.
■ The advanced blockset is ideal for designs with continuous data streams such as designs
in RF cards. An IF modem design uses chains of filter and is an ideal application for the
advanced blockset.an544.pdf
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【应用手册】AN 544: Digital IF Modem Design with the DSP Builder Advanced Blockset
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