【应用手册】AN 537: Implementing UNH-IOL Test Suite Compliance in Arria GX and Stratix II GX Gigabit Ethernet Designs
Gigabit Ethernet (GIGE) is the most widely implemented physical and link layer
protocol today. In addition to network backbones and data centers, 1000 Mbps
connectivity is deployed widely, including switch stacks, servers, and desktops.
Altera’s Stratix® II GX and Arria® GX FPGAs provide a GIGE solution that is
compliant with the IEEE 802.3 1000 BASE-X specification.
GIGE applications include line cards, NIC cards, and switches. Implementing The
University of New Hampshire—InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) test suite
compliance in GIGE designs using Altera’s Stratix II GX or Arria GX devices help
inter-operability with other devices for applications requiring link auto-negotiation.
This application note describes implementation details required for GIGE designs that
do not use Altera’s TSE MegaCore® and require UNH-IOL compliance. It also
describes how to target Stratix II GX and Arria GX GIGE designs for UNH-IOL
compliance using the Quartus® II MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager and additional logic
where applicable.
Use this application note in conjunction with the following literature:
■ Arria GX ALT2GXB Megafunction User Guide in volume 2 of the Arria GX Device
■ Arria GX Transceiver Architecture in volume 2 of the Arria GX Device Handbook
■ Arria GX Transceiver Protocol Support and Additional Features in volume 2 of the
Arria GX Device Handbook
■ Stratix II GX ALT2GXB Megafunction User Guide in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX
Device Handbook
■ Stratix II GX Transceiver Architecture Overview in volume 2 of the Stratix II GX
Device Handbook
■ Triple Speed Ethernet MegaCore Function User Guide
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【应用手册】AN 537: Implementing UNH-IOL Test Suite Compliance in Arria GX and Stratix
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