【应用笔记】PCI Express宏功能函数的外部PHY支持(External PHY Support in PCI Express MegaCore Functions)
PCI Express编译器产生用户自定义的PCI Express MegaCore函数,使得你能够使用它来设计PCI Express终点。
The PCI Express Compiler generates customized PCI Express MegaCore®
functions that you can use to design PCI Express endpoints. The PCI
Express MegaCore functions are compliant with PCI Express Base
Specification Revision 1.1 or PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a. The
functions implement all required and most optional features of the
specification for the transaction, data link, and physical layers.an443.pdf
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【应用笔记】PCI Express宏功能函数的外部PHY支持(External PHY Support in PCI Express MegaCore Func
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