【应用笔记】无线系统数字中频设计的工具流程(Tool Flow for Design of Digital IF for Wireless Systems)
该应用笔记描述了加速数字中频(intermediate frequency,IF)系统硬件设计的工具流程。数字中频硬件系统设计包括数字上变频器和下变频器。
This application note describes the tool flow that accelerates the hardware
design of digital intermediate frequency (IF) systems comprising of
digital up and down converters. The tool flow is based around the Altera®
DSP Builder design entry tool, which provides high-level intellectual
property (IP) megafunctions and control components that you may
parameterize at a very low level. DSP Builder is intuitive to system
designers that are familiar with the Simulink environment, but who are
not necessarily familiar with hardware design and optimization
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【应用笔记】无线系统数字中频设计的工具流程(Tool Flow for Design of Digital IF for Wireless Systems)
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