【应用笔记】Avalon总线LCD控制器(Avalon LCD Controller)
Avalon总线LCD控制器提供一种灵活的解决方案,该方案可以在Altera的Cyclone II、Cyclone、Stratix II、Stratix GX或Stratix器件上实现,并具有如下特点:
The Avalon™ LCD Controller provides a flexible solution, which may be
implemented in Altera® Cyclone™ II, Cyclone, Stratix® II, Stratix GX, or
Stratix devices, and has the following features:
■ 5 layers:
● Layer 0—backdrop layer, RGB565
● Layer 1—video layer, RGB565, no pixel alpha
● Layer 2 to 4—three drawing layers—palette modes, 8-bit data,
RGB666 + 6-bit pixel alpha
■ Layer alpha for all layers
■ Picture-in-picture support
■ Timing generation display
■ Avalon direct memory access (DMA) masters to read image(s) from
frame buffer memory
■ Avalon register slave for control and status
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