【应用笔记】Stratix II滤波器实验(Stratix II Filtering Lab)
Stratix II版本的DSP开发套件里的滤波器参考设计教你如何使用Altera的DSP Builder进行系统设计、仿真和板级验证。
The filtering reference design provided in the DSP Development Kit,
Stratix II Edition, shows you how to use the Altera® DSP Builder for
system design, simulation, and board-level verification. DSP Builder is a
digital signal processing (DSP) development tool that interfaces the
MathWorks industry leading system-level DSP tool Simulink with the
Altera Quartus® II development software. DSP Builder provides a
seamless design flow in which you can perform algorithmic design and
system integration in the MATLAB and Simulink software and then port
the design to hardware description language (HDL) files for use in the
Quartus II software.an362.pdf
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