【应用笔记】Stratix和Stratix GX器件QDR SRAM Controller参考设计(QDR SRAM Controller Reference Design for Stratix & Stratix GX Devices)
The explosive growth of the Internet has increased the demand for highspeed
data communications systems that require fast processors and
high-speed interfaces to peripheral components. While the processors in
these systems have improved in performance, SRAM performance has
not kept pace. New SRAM architectures are evolving to support the highthroughput
requirements of current systems. One such architecture is
quad data rate (QDR) SRAM, which provides more than four times the
bandwidth of other SRAM architectures.an349.pdf
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【应用笔记】Stratix和Stratix GX器件QDR SRAM Controller参考设计(QDR SRAM Controller Reference
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