【应用笔记】Stratix II, Stratix和Stratix GX器件和RLDRAM II的接口(Interfacing RLDRAM II with Stratix II, Stratix,& Stratix GX Devices)
低延迟DRAM II(reduced latency DRAM II,RLDRAM II)是一种基于DRAM的点对点存储器器件,为通信、图像、服务器系统等要求高密度、高带宽和低延迟而设计。
Reduced latency DRAM II (RLDRAM II) is a DRAM-based point-to-point
memory device designed for communications, imaging, and server
systems requiring high density, high memory bandwidth, and low
latency. The fast random access speeds in RLDRAM II devices make them
a viable alternative to SRAM devices at a lower cost.an325.pdf
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【应用笔记】Stratix II, Stratix和Stratix GX器件和RLDRAM II的接口(Interfacing RLDRAM II with S
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