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【应用笔记】在MAX II和MAX 3000A器件中实现交叉点开关矩阵(Crosspoint Switch Matrices in MAX II & MAX 3

2012-05-24 20:51:05     打赏
【应用笔记】在MAX II和MAX 3000A器件中实现交叉点开关矩阵(Crosspoint Switch Matrices in MAX II & MAX 3000A Devices)
With a high level of flexibility, performance, and programmability, you
can use crosspoint switches in applications such as digital cross switching,
telecommunications, and video broadcasting. Although there are off-theshelf
devices available to implement switches, Altera® MAX® II and MAX
devices offer more flexibility to customize switches, meeting specific
design goals with in-system programmability (ISP).an294.pdf

关键词: 应用     笔记     3000A     器件     实现     交叉点     开关         

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