【应用笔记】AN548:Cyclone II的Nios II紧凑配置系统(AN 548: Nios II Compact Configuration System for Cyclone III)
本应用笔记讨论了你如何在你的设计中使用一个基于Nios II处理器的配置系统,来主动地管理commodity flash中的一个或更多配置。
This application note discusses how you can use a Nios® II processor based
configuration system in your design to actively manage one or more configurations
from commodity flash. You can reduce the cost and simplify your FPGA based
embedded system design by eliminating the need for an external configuration
controller. You can use various configuration schemes with Altera Cyclone® III
FPGAs. These schemes include active serial (AS), active parallel (AP), passive serial
(PS), fast passive parallel (FPP), and Joint Test Action Group (JTAG). You can
configure the Cyclone III devices using one of these schemes, depending on the device
densities and package options.an548.pdf
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【应用笔记】AN548:Cyclone II的Nios II紧凑配置系统(AN 548: Nios II Compact Configuration Syste
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